slave: .................................................................................................................................................
born: ........................................................ in : .................................................................................
resident (adress) ....................................................................................................................................
I slave ........................................................................... hereafter referred to as "slave" of my own free will to Master XXXX, hereafter referred as "Master", agree to following rules and conditions irrevocable.
Article 1:
The slaves body becomes the master total property for 100 %. As such the slave has no right to protest any use the master makes of it. The slave relinquishes all claims, right, control and saying over life and body to it´s master and has no freedom left.
Article 2:
The slave will always be available for it masters use and pleasure and will learn all the way in which to please it´s master.
Article 3:
The slave will always serve and obey it´s masters commands fully and immediatly and without contradiction.
Article 4:
The slave shall adress the master as "Sir" or "Master" at all times.
Article 5:
The slave posses nothing. All the slave possessions are automatically it´s masters. The slave gives master all personal papers and the power over them. All earnings which the master achieves with or by using the slave (p.e. by escort business, renting out, by lease....) belong to the master to 100 %.
Article 6:
The slave will never lie to it´s master or apologize some mistakes by execuses.
Article 7:
The slave will offer his body and mind to master at any time the master desires to use it, wherever and whenever.
Article 8:
All the slaves personal habits (as eating, drinking, smoking, sleeping, sex, etc......) are governed completely by it´s master. Also if the master does not give special orders for everyday he has still the right to influence those habits and give matching orders.
Article 9:
The slave if the master does not tell different will always sit at his masters feet. This be valid wherever and independent of the place where master and slave are present.
Article 10:
The slave will always stand or kneel in presence of it master with his head bowed, unless his master tells differently.
Article 11:
The slave will always keep it´s body clean, neat and ready and care for good conditions.
Article 12:
The slave speakes only when spoken to or the master give his permission or to ask for informations. He will beginning and ending each sentence with "Sir". He will also speak only in the presence of third person if he get his masters permission.
Article 13:
If the slave will be outside of the home he must wear only clothes after the master permission - without exemption !
Article 14:
The slave is to use the masters space with utmost respect and shall always leave any area he uses in a state of order and cleanliness.
Article 15:
If the master does not tell differently the slave will sleep at the feet of masters bed or in a cage / cell.
Article 16:
Masters bodily fluids are to the slave holy and must be treated as such. If or when it´s master allowed the honor of receiving his bodily fluids, the slave will ensure that no drop is waisted. Orally or analy it remains where it belongs.
Article 17:
At all the times, slave will ensure that it´s asshole is absolutly clean, acceptable and clean for masters cock.
Article 18:
The slave will never touch his cock, balls, ass, tits without permission from the master.
Article 19:
The slave is to be punished of both the letter and the spirit of this contract. The slave will any kind of punishment accept - without limit. The slave will his punishment thankfully accept and look at it as a part of his training for a perfect slave.
Article 20:
The master may choose to ignore the slave from case to case or for long extended periods.
Article 21:
The slave shall display the following attitudes at all times :
a.) humility
b.) total submission
c.) absolute obedience
d.) willingness to suffer
e.) speed in carrying out orders and commands
f.) slavish loyalty and devotion for his master
g.) chastity
h.) servility
i.) love and respect for the master
j.) greatitude towards it´s master
k.) worship for it's master
l.) success in completely carrying out orders
Article 22:
The right to end this contract is only given to master and not to the slave. The master has the right to give away or to sell the slave any time.
Article 23:
The slave will not have any contact or relationship with other masters without expressive approve of his master. The master has the right to engage other slaves any time.
Article 24:
The master rules and controlls without limits all contacts of the slave with the outer world. This is valid without examptions. If the master commands to brake contact to several peopeles or finish for ever the slave is obliged to follow this command immediatly and without conditions.
Article 25:
The slave guarantees explicit that he will never leave his master or break the contract.
Article 26:
The master accepts the slave as his property. He will care for him, feed him, nurrish him, cloth him and train him. The master will provide for the slave social security so in case something unexpected happened to the master or the master undoes the contract premature the slave can leave independetly.
Article 27:
The master defends the slave against all attacks against him, what kind ever from third side.
Article 28:
In case of illness of the slave the master gives up partely or totally on his rights out of this contract for the time the slave is ill. But the slave must not forget the loyality and the resopect towards his master.
Article 29:
The master have the right to add articles to this contract if he think this is necessary. The slave forgoes explicitly on such a right.
By it´s signature below the slave acknowledge that it has read, understand and agrees to enter and abide by this contract.
------------------------------------ --------------------------------
City and date signature of the slave
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city and date signature of Master Ingo
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