Chapter I: The Philosophy of slavery 5
Chapter II: The Submission 7
Chapter III: Definitions 8
Chapter IV: Training 9
Chapter V: General Behavior of the slave 10
Chapter VI: Behavior of the slave in The Master's Prison and Dungeon 16
Chapter VII: Behavior of the slave in The Master's Household 17
Chapter VIII: Behavior of the slave in The Master's Bedchamber 18
Chapter IX: Discipline and Punishment Defined 19
Chapter X: The slave's General Conduct 22
Chapter XI: Specific Duties of the slave 23
Chapter XII: Miscellaneous 24
Chapter XIII: The Contract 26
The slave has agreed to forego the exercise of its own ego and has voluntarily given up all rights, personal and legal, in order to become the property of The Master. To this end, this Book of slave Laws has been compiled, the better to regulate the slave's service to its Owner.
The purpose of this Book of slave Laws is to codify and enforce the property rights of The Master over all slaves in His custody. These property rights are total and absolute; The Master shall be entitled to all rights implied by the term “Ownership” over His slave, and the slave, as property, shall have no rights whatsoever under the Law, either explicitly stated, or by implication. Nothing in this Book of slave Laws shall be interpreted as limiting the absolute right of The Master to use His property in any way He pleases, nor shall any part of the Law be taken as conferring any rights of any kind on the slave.
Regulations and procedures governing slave behavior, training, discipline, enforcement, sentencing, and punishment may at times take into account the health and safety of the slave, but the purpose of such regulations and procedures shall be to keep and maintain The Master's slave in top physical condition and fit for labor, sex, and other uses at all times. Such protections as are provided for the health and safety of the slave shall therefore be considered solely in the light of The Master's desire to have the fullest possible use of a fully functioning slave and shall not imply any limits on His right to make any use whatsoever of His property at any time. As with any other part of the Law, all such protections, regulations, and procedures are subject to change and amendment according to the Will of The Master, who is the final and unquestionable Authority on all points of enforcement, implementation, and/or interpretation of the Law.
Chapter I
The Philosophy of slavery
This is a society of sadists and masochists, whether or not those living in it realize this or admit it. Humans pay back-breaking taxes to hire governments to cheat and oppress them, armies of policemen to harass and abuse them, censors to tell them what they may or may not do, and leaders to exploit them. They are not too different from the next person on the street, except for one thing: a slave gives itself to its Master, lock, stock, and barrel. Everything it is or has is in The Master's hands. Its personality and psyche, as well as its physical being and sex life, are what its Master determines they will be. It could be a big responsibility and one that may make slaves of both parties.
The Master's time is precious and His time with the slave may be short. In no case does this fact detract from the standards of excellence expected from the slave. Training may be harsh. This is the fastest way to train and also the method that produces the most effective results. The slave will enthusiastically accept training. The Master may or may not acknowledge when a task is performed properly; however, the slave will sincerely thank The Master for the privilege of performing that task. The Master will take as long as necessary to train the slave as long as the slave is genuinely trying and not malingering. Once a slave has been trained, if it fails in a task, it will be assumed that it is being disobedient and he will be punished.
The slave's body becomes The Master's property; as such, the slave has no right to protest any use The Master chooses to make of it. Rather, it is an honor if The Master deigns to touch, whip, or mark the slave in any fashion He desires.
It is the slave's duty to obey any and all commands given by The Master, and to do this without question or hesitation.
In all of its personal activities, the slave surrenders all decisions to The Master.
The Master may choose to ignore the slave for long, extended periods. The slave will remain silent and chained, if necessary, for whatever length of time The Master requires.
The slave has agreed to adhere with all his life to the articles in this Book of Laws, or any other rules or regulations The Master may add at a future time. The slave understands that The Master is the sole judge in determining whether an infraction of these Laws has occurred. The Master is also the sole judge in determining the degree of punishment.
The slave has determined that its purpose is to serve and submit to another Man as His property. To this end, it has offered its service and submission to The Master, Who has accepted. This document sets forth the conditions of the slave's service and promulgates the Laws under which it will live during the term of ownership.
Part of a slave's training is having clear-cut rules to live by. There are rules that apply to all situations and some that apply only when in the presence of The Master or in an environment where The Master/slave lifestyle is understood and accepted.
A. The slave's Sixteen General Orders
These rules are to be memorized by the slave. The Master, at His discretion, may call upon the slave to recite any or all of them in any order at any time.
1. The slave speaks only when spoken to and then says “Sir” or whatever other term of respect The Master requires with every sentence. When referring to itself, it says “it”, “the slave”, or whatever other term The Master requires.
2. The slave obeys all orders, no matter what. it questions nothing and is punished if it does.
3. The slave will always show its Master the highest level of respect in all ways.
4. The slave will never lie to its Master. The slave will never keep any information from its Master that He may require in order to train or use His property. The slave understands that The Master will make use of this and all information regarding the slave in the furtherance of its goal to be the perfect slave for its Master.
5. The slave does not sit or lay in its Master's presence. it may stand or kneel, but will sit or lay only when ordered.
6. A slave never wears clothing unless ordered. it seldom wears anything above the waist outdoors other than leather (if earned), and indoors little below the waist other than chains.
7. The slave's body will be shaved at all times.
8. The slave will have no privacy from its Master. There is nothing that the slave will not reveal to Him. The slave is The Master's property and, as such, He has the right to know everything. Conversely, The Master has the right to any privacy He wants from the slave.
9. its toilet training begins with always obtaining permission to use the bathroom — and is seldom allowed to use it alone.
10. All of the slave belongs to The Master; it is not allowed to touch certain areas of itself or its Master for any reason without permission.
11. All of a slave's possessions automatically become The Master's. The slave owns nothing.
12. The slave lives by a curfew; all personal habits — such as drinking, smoking, eating, sleeping, exercise, and sex — are governed completely by The Master.
13. The slave will memorize the slave's creed and recite it every morning and evening. The slave will recite it upon command of The Master any time and anywhere with heart-felt feeling. All repetitions of the slave's creed must be letter perfect.
14. The slave shall keep its feeble mind concentrated solely upon service to The Master and shall demonstrate its acceptance of its role of service and availability at all times.
15. All orders are subject to written or verbal modification at the pleasure of The Master and The Master may impose such additional orders as He deems appropriate.
16. Whenever The Master or the slave enters a room in which the other is already present, the slave will immediately kneel and kiss The Master's feet, unless physically unable to or under previous orders not to. If The Master's Cock is free, the slave will take It into its mouth after kissing The Master's feet and keep It there until The Master orders otherwise.
The slave's Creed
“Master, the slave freely and willingly affirms that it is His subhuman, cocksucking, piss-drinking, ass-eating slave, whose sole reason for existence is His pleasure. it has no rights or privileges. it swears to always honor The Master through obedience and service. its body and mind are His to use in any way He chooses.
“Master, it acknowledges that He is under no obligation to explain His orders or to justify His treatment of the slave, but it is under every obligation to obey Him and accept His treatment of it.
“Master, it acknowledges that His piss and especially His cum are precious and when introduced into its body, it will regard it as a privilege to be a vessel, to hold them within it through swallowing or in its rectum. it vows never to spill or leak The Master's fluids.
“Master, the slave's body, mind, and soul are from this day forth the private property of The Master, to be used as He sees fit. it promises to obey Him completely, to do whatever He tells it to do, to submit to any punishment He sees fit to impose on it.
“Master, it renounces any rights that it may have to think its own thoughts, care for its own needs or comfort, or control its own destiny. From now on, it shall wear only what The Master commands it to wear, and serve only those persons He commands it to serve.
“Master, any wages that the slave may earn are the property of The Master. it may spend only what He gives it to spend and use the money He gives it only as He permits it to spend it.
“Master, since it hereby renounces any rights to a personal opinion, desire, or need of its own, this agreement can never be broken by the slave for any reason whatsoever. its obligation to The Master is to be whatever He wants it to be. He has no obligation to the slave whatsoever, and therefore can by no means forfeit His rights to own, command, restrain, or punish its services as He desires.
“Master, in the event of the death of The Master, the slave is to be subject, along with His other personal property, according to the terms of His last will and testament.
“Master, the slave acknowledges that it is a faggot slave that lives to love, worship, serve, and obey its Master with no hope or expectation of having its love returned by Him.”
Chapter II
The Submission
The slave has applied to enter the service of The Master, Who has accepted that service. To this end, the slave has given up all rights of person and property to The Master. it has given up its name, its family, its friends, its community, its property and belongings, and its entire life to The Master. Even the slave's gender and species have been stripped from it, never to be returned. Henceforward, it will be known only as “the slave”, although The Master may, at His option, assign a slave name and/or number, to which the slave will always answer.
Herewith are the Laws regarding the slave's submission in general:
A. Law on the Detention and Incarceration of the slave: The purpose of this Law is to establish the mandatory sentence of life imprisonment for The Master's slave.
1. Upon being permanently remanded to the custody of The Master for ownership, the slave property will be automatically sentenced to life imprisonment in His slave prison and dungeon.
2. Upon sentencing, the slave shall be assigned a permanent cell or cage in the slave prison, which shall be the slave's natural and permanent home for the duration of its sentence.
3. Upon sentencing, the slave shall be stripped of all clothing and possessions and all such clothing or possessions shall automatically revert to the ownership of The Master, along with the slave property and slavecock property.
4. Upon sentencing, the slave shall be permanently stripped of all rights, privileges, and “human” attributes, including its name, gender, and species, and all future rights, privileges, and attributes, including its name shall be assigned by the slave to its new Owner.
5. Any failure on the part of the slave to comply with all the conditions of initial sentencing, detention, and incarceration shall be considered a Class IV Felony.
B. Law on slave Gratitude for the Privilege of its Service: The slave shall humbly and happily accept its place in life as the total slave of The Master, showing Him at all times that it is sincerely grateful for the privilege of serving Him, obeying His Commands, carrying out His Orders, and receiving His instruction and discipline. Any failure to perform this activity shall be considered a Class III Felony.
Chapter III
A. The Master
1. The words “Owner” and “Lord” in this Book of Laws shall apply only to the Ownership and Lordship of The Master.
2. The Master shall have complete and absolute authority and power over His slave property, over any existing or future subsidiary property formerly belonging to the slave in its free state; over all income and proceeds from labor of His slave property; over all creations or constructions of His slave property; over all work and productivity of His slave property; over the Law, its amendment, and enforcement; over the behavior and attitude of His slave property; over the types and kinds of disciplines and punishments given to His slave property; over the sexual services and activities of His slave property; over all other services and activities of His slave property; over the body, mind, emotions, and soul of His slave property; over the household in which the slave property is kept; over the dungeon and related training and punishment facilities in which the slave property is trained and disciplined; over all public and private interactions of His slave property; and over all aspects of His slave property's life and existence, whether specifically codified in this Law or not.
3. The relation of The Master to His slave property will not be other than that of an Owner, Lord, and Master to His slave property, regardless of the context, content, or particular details of any subsidiary aspect of the relationship.
4. The Absolute Ownership, Lordship, Power, and Authority of The Master over His slave property shall take precedence over any other demands of any kind or type on the slave. The Superiority of The Master to His slave property shall be defined as an infinitely higher magnitude of Superiority to that of any of the slave's other Superiors. The Master's Authority shall take absolute precedence over all other forms of Authority to which the slave is exposed, whether of a public or private nature, whether of other Superior Males, Men, or of any civil, legal, or other authority.
5. No form of Authority or Power over the slave, other than that of The Master, shall be recognized by the slave without specific prior authorization by The Master, and if any other such authority is recognized, The Master shall, in His Wisdom, set the limits and parameters of such authority.
6. Any failure on the part of the slave to recognize and acknowledge the Authority and Supremacy of The Master's Will in all matters, or failure to bow and submit to such Absolute Authority, or failure to distinguish between the Supreme Power and Authority of The Master on the one hand, and the lower Order of Power and Authority exercised over it, with His authorization, by any lesser Superior, civil, legal, public, or private Authority, shall be considered a Class III Felony.
B. The slave
1. For the purposes of this Law, “slave” shall be defined as an inferior subhuman animal which exists solely as the property of its Owner, Lord, and Master. By definition, a slave is owned and viewed as the chattel and property of its Master, property that can be taken and used as its Master might see fit, without rights, privileges, or freedoms except those clearly and specifically granted by The Master and can be denied at any time. Slaves exist solely for and at the pleasure of The Master!
2. The nature of the slave is that of a submissive obedient male born to serve and obey its Superiors. For the purposes of this Law, “superior” shall be defined as any Male with whom the slave comes into contact, including other slaves, and any other being so defined by The Master.
3. The function of a slave is to eagerly and unquestioningly offer itself for any use its Owner wishes to make of it.
4. The purpose of a slave is to provide its Owner with any comfort, pleasure, need, or desire He may demand of it, to make Him happy in His ownership and use of it, and to please and satisfy Him in any and every way.
5. The duty of a slave is complete unquestioning obedience without exception, to the Will, Law, Orders, and Commands of its Master. The slave will consider all statements, requests, utterances, and verbal issuances of The Master as Orders or Demands.
6. Under the terms of this Law, it shall be a Class II Misdemeanor for the slave to fail in any way to fulfill its legal obligations to its Owner as stated in the above definition of its nature, function, purpose, and duty.
Chapter IV
A. Training of the slave begins immediately upon acceptance into The Master's service. The Master has sole discretion as to what form(s) the training shall take.
B. For the purposes of these Laws, there will be two types of training: Initial Training and Remedial Training.
1. Initial Training. The period of initial training of the slave shall be for a period of not less than one calendar year, nor more than five calendar years, and training shall be of very high intensity. Looked at in one way, the entire period of slavery is one of training, as new activities and techniques are always being invented. The Master will require the slave to learn to perform some activities upon itself, although never upon others, for His entertainment or to be performed in His absence.
a. Initial Training shall begin with the slave being thoroughly broken by The Master. its personality will be totally erased. The Master will rebuild the slave to fit His desires. The slave understands that this may take multiple sessions until The Master gets what He wants. The term of training does not begin until then.
b. Any injuries or illnesses sustained on the part of the slave during the period of initial training shall be punished as stated below. The period of recovery from these shall be added to the period of training; i.e., for every day of recovery, the slave will incur one day of training.
c. In training the slave to fulfill its duties, The Master will teach it each chore one time. The slave will then be expected to perform that duty perfectly thereafter. Any violation of this will result in one day of remedial training and double punishment for the lapse.
d. During the first half of scheduled training, the slave will be rendered unable to see at any time. The slave’s sight may be returned to it after this period at The Master’s discretion.
e. During the first half of scheduled training, the slave will not be allowed to speak or otherwise communicate at any time or for any reason. The slave’s voice may be returned to it after this period at The Master’s discretion.
2. Remedial Training. If, after the period of initial training is completed, the slave is deficient in any of its duties as a result of improper understanding, stupidity, or other non-intentional cause, it will be subjected to one week of remedial training per offense followed by equivalent punishment as a Class IV Felony. Injuries or illnesses sustained during remedial training shall likewise be punished as a Class IV Felony.
C. Aids to Training. The Master may use any aid He desires in training His slave, both in initial training and in remedial training. These aids may include but not be limited to: visual aids, audio aids, infliction of pain in any degree, drugs of any type, sleep deprivation, hunger, thirst, physical force, or any other inducement to learn The Master’s desires. Any protest the slave makes to any measure used by The Master in training shall be considered a Class IV Felony.
Chapter V
General Behavior of the slave
A. Law of Total Control: Absolute, total, and complete control over all slave behavior shall be exercised by The Master, both through this Law and through any spoken Rule or Command He may wish to give to any slave prisoner in His custody.
1. No limits, implied or otherwise, shall be placed on the strict and absolute control of The Master over every aspect of His slave property's behavior.
2. The slave prisoner shall be required to explicitly acknowledge and accept the absolute right of The Master to control its behavior.
3. The slave prisoner shall be required to display an attitude of sincere and humble gratitude toward The Master for His efforts in exercising His complete control over it at all times.
4. The slave is strictly and absolutely forbidden to question the Supreme Authority of The Master in exercising His total control over its behavior.
5. Failure by the slave to acknowledge, accept, or show gratitude toward The Master for exercising control over it shall be considered a Class II Misdemeanor. Any direct questioning of such authority by the slave shall be considered a Class IV Felony.
B. Law on General Principles and Precepts Governing slave Behavior: The following general principles and precepts shall govern the behavior of the slave at all times:
1. The slave shall immediately and without question obey all Commands and Orders given to it by The Master or His authorized Representative(s).
2. The slave shall be solely responsible for remembering, obeying, and following all Laws, Rules, Regulations, and Commands governing its behavior.
3. All independent, unauthorized behavior on the part of the slave is strictly and completely forbidden, and will fall under the category of Attempted Escape.
4. The slave shall live by the rule that everything is forbidden which is not explicitly permitted or authorized.
5. All actions and behaviors of the slave shall conform absolutely to the highest standards of behavior set for it by Law and Command.
6. The slave shall display the following authorized slave attitudes and attributes at all times:
a. Humility
b. Submission
c. Obedience
d. Eagerness to Obey
e. Speed in Carrying Out Orders
f. Competence in Carrying Out Orders
g. Success in Completely Carrying Out Orders
h. Servility
i. Slavish Loyalty
j. Slavish Devotion
k. Gratitude towards its Master
l. Love for its Master
m. Worship for its Master
7. All other attitudes and attributes which are not specifically authorized by its Master's Command are strictly forbidden to the slave.
8. The slave shall humbly and happily accept its place in life as the total slave of The Master, showing Him at all times that it is sincerely grateful for the privilege of serving Him, obeying His Commands, carrying out His Orders, and receiving His instruction and discipline.
9. Any failure on the part of the slave to fully live up to its obligations to completely carry out its duties in obeying these general principles and precepts shall be considered a Class II Misdemeanor at minimum and Attempted Escape at maximum.
C. Law on the Associations of the slave: The purpose of this Law is to exert and enforce the absolute control of The Master over those persons with whom the slave may associate.
1. The right of The Master to govern and control what persons the slave may associate with is absolute and shall not be questioned.
2. The Master is the slave’s only family; this relationship does not work in reverse, as the slave is not a member of The Master’s family, only an item of His property.
3. Prior to entering The Master’s service, the slave has broken off all ties with its former family and friends, without telling them why it is doing so; this includes terminating former employment. As a last act before entering The Master’s service, the slave will destroy any physical record of its prior association with The Master, in order that no one may trace it to The Master. Any attempt by the slave to meet or otherwise contact its former associates will be considered Attempted Escape.
4. The Master is not the slave’s friend; the slave has no friends, only Superiors.
5. If The Master has pets, the slave will treat them as extensions of The Master, with the exception that they may not give it orders.
D. Law on the Control of the Physical Needs and Functions of the slave: The purpose of this Law is to exert and enforce the absolute control of The Master over the physical needs and functions of His slave property.
1. The right of The Master to govern and control the physical needs and functions of His slave property is absolute and shall not be questioned.
2. The sleeping privileges of the slave shall be under the strict and total control of The Master. He shall decide when, if, where, how, and for how long the slave is permitted to sleep. Unauthorized sleeping on the part of the slave is strictly forbidden.
a. Unless otherwise ordered, the slave shall sleep naked and chained in its cage or cell.
b. If allowed to sleep in The Master's bedchamber, the slave will sleep at the foot of His bed.
c. The slave will never sleep in The Master's bed unless He ties it down to the bed.
3. The eating privileges of the slave shall be under the strict and total control of The Master. He shall decide when, if, where, what, how, for how long, and how much the slave is permitted to eat. Unauthorized eating on the part of the slave is strictly forbidden.
a. The slave will never eat at The Master's table, nor at any other table without The Master's Command.
b. When eating in The Master's home or in any other private space, the slave will eat from a dog dish.
c. When eating in the dungeon or its cage or cell, the slave will eat directly off of the floor.
d. When eating outdoors, the slave will eat directly off the ground.
4. The drinking privileges of the slave shall be under the strict and total control of The Master. He shall decide when, if, where, what, how, for how long, and how much the slave is permitted to drink. Unauthorized drinking on the part of the slave is strictly forbidden.
a. The slave will never drink from a glass or cup without The Master's Command.
b. When drinking in The Master's home or in any other private space, the slave will drink from a dog dish or from the toilet bowl.
c. When drinking in the dungeon or its cage or cell, the slave will drink from the toilet bowl or from whatever receptacle The Master provides.
d. When drinking outdoors, the slave will drink directly from a hole in the ground.
5. The urination privileges of the slave shall be under the strict and total control of The Master. He shall decide when, if, where, how, for how long, and how much the slave is permitted to urinate. Unauthorized urination on the part of the slave is strictly forbidden.
a. Unless Ordered by The Master, the slave shall not urinate into a toilet.
b. If given permission to urinate while in The Master's home, the slave will immediately go to the nearest space authorized for its urination.
c. Unless otherwise Ordered by The Master, when in the dungeon, the slave will urinate exactly where it is, then lick up its own urine.
d. When in its cage or cell, the slave shall simply urinate where it is, drinking or otherwise cleaning up its urine only upon Order of The Master.
e. If ordered to urinate outside, the slave will dig a hole to urinate into, drink its urine, and cover the hole.
6. The defecation privileges of the slave shall be under the strict and total control of The Master. He shall decide when, if, where, how, for how long, and how much the slave is permitted to defecate. Unauthorized defecation on the part of the slave is strictly forbidden.
a. Unless Ordered by The Master, the slave shall not defecate into a toilet.
b. If given permission to defecate while in The Master's home, the slave will immediately go to the nearest space authorized for its defecation.
c. Unless otherwise Ordered by The Master, when in the dungeon, the slave will defecate exactly where it is, then eat its own offal.
d. When in its cage or cell, the slave shall simply defecate where it is, eating or otherwise cleaning up its offal only upon Order of The Master.
e. If ordered to defecate outside, the slave will dig a hole to defecate in, eat its offal, and cover the hole.
7. The needs and desires of The Master for service and labor by the slave shall be considered at all times to take precedence over the physical needs and functions of the slave, and such needs and functions shall at no time be permitted to interfere with the carrying out of tasks and Commands for the slave's Owner.
8. If at any time, the slave has a valid reason to believe that in the course of exercising absolute control over these physical needs and functions, its Master may be, in some way He is not aware of, compromising the health or safety of His slave property, the slave is legally obliged to request permission to state its concerns. The Master shall have sole authority to determine whether the stated concerns of the slave prisoner are or are not valid, and the slave will humbly accept His ruling.
9. Any unauthorized sleeping, eating, drinking, urination, or defecation on the part of the slave shall be considered a Class II Misdemeanor. Any statement of health and safety concerns regarding its physical needs and functions by the slave which are determined to be invalid shall be considered a Class III Felony. Failure on the part of the slave to state valid health or safety concerns shall be considered a Class IV Felony.
E. Law on the Control of the Emotional Needs and Functions of the slave: The purpose of this Law is to exert and enforce the absolute control of The Master over the emotional needs and functions of His slave property.
1. The right of The Master to govern and control the emotional needs and functions of His slave property is absolute and shall not be questioned.
2. While the slave is required to love and worship its Master, the reverse does not apply. If, by some miracle, The Master comes to love His slave, He will decide whether or not the slave is to know this information and in what way it shall be expressed. The slave will not ask for such information; to do so will be considered a Class IV Felony.
3. Any other emotional fulfillment of the slave shall be at The Master’s discretion, but He is under no obligation to help the slave achieve such a state. If the slave asks for any such help, it will be considered a Class III Felony.
F. General Law Governing slave Speech and Expression: While specific Rules and Regulations will govern slave speech and expression in various settings, such as public speech, household speech, dungeon speech, speech during punishment, and speech during forced labor, the following general principles shall apply at all times. Specific Rules and Regulations for specific settings and functions shall be dealt with in Laws governing slave behavior in those settings.
1. The right of The Master to govern and control the slave's speech and means of expression is absolute and shall not be questioned.
2. At all times and in all situations, the slave shall follow all Laws, Rules, Regulations, Orders, Commands, and Guidelines pertaining to the following areas of the slave's speech privileges:
a. When or if the slave is permitted to speak or make vocal sounds. Unauthorized use of the slave's vocal cords, which shall be considered the sole property of The Master, is strictly forbidden.
i. The slave shall not be allowed to speak at all during training sessions, except to repeat a lesson back to The Master.
ii. The slave shall not speak during punishment, except as provided herein or at the Direct Order of The Master.
iii. The slave shall not speak in the presence of any person other than The Master, except as provided herein or upon the Direct Order of The Master.
b. The slave will speak in a respectful tone at all times it is allowed to speak.
c. When permitted to speak, the slave shall speak in a quiet, submissive, and respectful manner.
d. When permitted to speak, the slave will always begin and end each sentence addressed to The Master with “Sir”, “Master”, “my Lord”, or whatever other phrase The Master Commands. If and when permitted to speak to another, the slave will begin and end each sentence with “Sir”, or whatever other phrase The Master Commands. The slave will never refer to itself by any word or phrase other than “the slave”, “it”, or any word or phrase assigned by The Master. The Master will determine any other words, phrases, and forms of expression the slave is permitted to use when it is permitted to speak, and which words, phrases, and forms of expression it is forbidden to use.
3. Moans, groans, sighs, yelps, cries, grunts, shouts, whines, screams, and any and all other types of noises emanating from the slave's mouth or throat shall be considered speech and shall be governed by the same Laws governing all other types of speech. The Master shall exercise complete control over the noise-making privileges of the slave in the same way that He shall control all other speech, deciding when or if the slave is permitted to emit such noises. Unauthorized moaning, groaning, sighing, yelping, crying, grunting, shouting, whining, screaming or other vocal noises are strictly forbidden.
4. Unless otherwise Ordered by The Master or directed by these Laws, the slave will not speak at all. If, in the slave's estimation, it needs to speak to The Master, it has three options.
a. Emergency. If, in the slave's estimation, an emergency situation has occurred of which The Master is unaware, it will speak The Master's last name preceded by the word “Mister”. This is the only application for calling The Master by any name other than those listed in these Laws. If The Master determines that an emergency situation does not exist, the slave shall be guilty of a Class IV Felony. If The Master is aware of the situation, the slave shall be given half punishment for a Class II Misdemeanor.
b. Confession. If the slave wishes to confess to any Crime, whether Felony or Misdemeanor, against The Master or these Laws, it will kneel before Him, place its forehead on the floor, and cover its head with its hands. it will wait in this position until ordered to speak by The Master, then make its confession without changing position until Ordered. If The Master is already aware of the transgression, the slave will receive regular punishment for the transgression followed by double punishment for speaking without authorization. If The Master was previously unaware of the transgression, the slave will receive double punishment for the transgression and regular punishment for speaking without authorization. If The Master finds that the slave has willfully not confessed to a Crime it has committed, it will receive triple punishment for the transgression followed by punishment for Attempted Escape.
c. Other Speech. If the slave wishes to speak to The Master, it will kneel before Him and place its head between His Feet on the floor and wait until He Orders it to speak or gives it any other Order; if the slave wishes to make a request, it will hold its hands in a position of prayer. The slave will then say what it wishes to The Master without changing position until Ordered. When the slave has finished, it will gratefully accept its punishment for unauthorized speech. If The Master does not give the slave permission to speak, but gives it any other Order, it will immediately act upon that Order without speaking. To speak without permission will incur double punishment for unauthorized speech.
5. All written expression by the slave shall be likewise subject to the complete control of The Master. If allowed to write for profit, the slave shall affix The Master's Name to the document when submitting it for publication. Failure to do so constitutes a Special Category Crime. When writing, the slave will always refer to itself as “it” or “the slave”, and will never use upper-case letters in reference to itself. It will always use upper-case letters when referring to The Master.
6. When permitted to speak and/or express itself, the slave shall always speak to its Master in a deferential, respectful, and reverent manner.
7. When permitted to speak in the company of other Superior Males, Masters, or Men, the slave will always speak in a respectful and deferential manner.
8. When permitted to speak in public or in mixed company, the slave will always speak in a polite and respectful manner.
9. When permitted to speak, the slave is strictly forbidden to use its voice in anger or frustration; it is forbidden to use expletives to express sudden emotion or pain; it is forbidden to speak in a disparaging or disrespectful manner toward any Superior Male, Master, or Man; and it is forbidden to speak in an impolite or disrespectful manner to anyone.
10. When permitted to speak freely to its Master, the slave will speak of its humility, gratitude, respect, love, and worship for its Lord and Owner.
11. The slave is strictly and absolutely forbidden to raise its voice in anger, insolence, or disrespect when addressing its Master, any Superior Male, Master, or Man, or any other person directly.
12. Any failure on the part of the slave to strictly conform to all Laws, Rules, Regulations, Orders, Commands, and Guidelines governing its speech privileges shall be considered a Class III Felony. Punishment for speech offenses may include but shall not be limited to the revocation of the slave's speaking privileges for a period of time to be determined by its Master.
G. Law on the Control of the slave's Senses: This Law shall establish and enforce the ownership and control of The Master over the senses of His slave property.
1. The slave’s senses of sight, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching shall all be under the direct and total control of The Master at all times.
2. The slave will understand and accept that its senses are the property of its Owner and that it is a privilege to be allowed to use them and one which can be revoked or suspended at any time and for any reason.
3. Unauthorized seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching are strictly forbidden. Unauthorized use of any of these senses shall be defined as acknowledging any sensation the slave is to ignore. Special consideration is given to the senses of sight and hearing; the slave's vision will be cut off except when The Master deems it necessary for the slave to see. Further, the slave's hearing shall be blocked whenever The Master desires. In either case, if the slave uses these senses when not authorized to, it shall be considered Attempted Escape, otherwise it will be deemed as in the next paragraph.
4. Any misuse of sensing privileges by the slave shall be considered a Class II Misdemeanor.
H. Law on the Ownership and Control of slave Genitals: The purpose of this Law is to establish the separate and distinct ownership by The Master of the slave property's slavecock and slave ballsac.
1. The area of the slave's body which includes the slavecock and slave balls, and including a one-inch territory surrounding them, shall belong as a separate and distinct piece of property to The Master.
2. The slave is forbidden in the strictest possible terms from touching this property with any part of its body other than the area of its thighs, crotch, and stomach, where the slave may touch itself without intention, unless such touching is specifically and explicitly authorized in advance. Absolutely no exceptions whatsoever can or will be made to this rule.
3. The slave is absolutely and totally forbidden to ejaculate through its Master's property, regardless of circumstances, including Direct Orders. Absolutely no exceptions whatsoever can or will be made to this rule, as ejaculation is the prerogative of Male Humans, not of slaves. Ejaculation is a sign that the slave is beginning to think of itself as an equal or superior to The Master. Ejaculation by the slave is the Special Category Crime of High Treason, as delineated below.
4. Erection is not allowed except at the Direct Order of The Master; an erection shows that the slave is thinking of its own sex, rather than its service to The Master. Unauthorized erection on the part of the slave will be considered a Class IV Felony.
5. When authorized to urinate through its Master's property, the slave shall follow the Rules, Regulations, and Guidelines contained within these Laws. If allowed to urinate standing up, the slave will stand with its wrists crossed behind its back and will control the aim of its urine flow toward the authorized receptacle without touching its Master's property.
6. Any and all offenses committed under this Law will fall under the category of Special Category Crimes and will be subject to punishment under the Special Punishments Law. In addition, if The Master so decides, the offense shall also be considered Attempted Escape or High Treason.
I. Law on Forced Nudity and the Display and Exposure of the Naked slave: This Law establishes the absolute right of The Master to control what the slave may wear and to establish permanent ease of access for The Master to every part of the slave's body.
1. Complete and absolutely unlimited access to every inch of slave flesh on His property shall be the permanent and unquestionable right of The Master.
2. In general, the slave is not permitted to wear clothing, but instead shall be kept completely nude whenever possible.
3. A specific exception to this rule may be provided when the slave must appear in public, at which times it shall dress according to its Master's Orders. In every case where this exception needs to be made, the slave shall beg in advance for the issuance of a temporary clothing permit. The slave must keep this permit on it at all times when clothed and must be ready at all times to show it on demand to its Master. The permit is revoked when the slave hears the Command “Strip!”, at which point the slave must stop wherever it is, immediately surrender the permit to its Master, and strip itself of all clothing on the spot.
4. Revealing clothing, humiliating outfits and costumes, and bondage equipment will not be considered “clothing” under this Law, but the slave shall wear such things only on Command and only according to Instructions. Any attempt by the slave to cover, shield, or hide any section of its body from its Master's view or access without specific authorization is strictly and totally forbidden.
5. Whether completely naked, clothed in a revealing or humiliating outfit, or fully dressed, the slave will always make any part of its body available to its Master at any time, displaying and exposing the demanded area within easy reach of its Master, and following all spoken Commands as to the display and exposure of its body for any and every purpose.
6. If the slave is caught wearing any form of clothing or covering without permission, it shall be subject to severe and merciless punishment under the Special Punishments Law for Attempted Escape. Wearing clothing without permission or without a temporary clothing permit shall be considered a Special Category Crime as Attempted Escape. Attempts at covering or shielding the slave body from access by its Master, failure to properly display and expose itself, and/or failure to strip swiftly and completely upon revocation of the clothing permit shall be considered Class II Misdemeanors.
7. The slave will not take a bath or shower in The Master's Bathroom at any time. Instead, if The Master decides that the slave needs to be cleaned, He will either hose the slave down thoroughly or bathe it as He would a dog.
J. Law on the Control of the slave's Mind and Thoughts: The slave's mind and thoughts shall be defined solely as the property of The Master and specific rules governing the training of its mind and thoughts will be given in The Master’s Supplement to the Book of the Laws of slavery. The following general rules apply at all times.
1. The primary use of the slave's mind shall be determined by the Orders and Commands of The Master. He alone shall guide, instruct, and train the slave mind to worship, serve, and obey Him.
2. The slave shall concentrate its mind on thoughts given to it by its Master. The slave shall follow all guidelines established by its Master for the training and use of its inferior slave brain. Unauthorized thinking or thinking outside the Guidelines established by its Master are strictly forbidden.
3. Unless Commanded to think of something else, the slave shall concentrate its minimal mental capacity on thinking of ways to expand and improve the service, obedience, and worship it provides for its Master.
4. The slave shall at all times be mentally bowed in thought before its Master, humbly and gratefully acknowledging His Superiority, Majesty, and Power.
5. Any slave thought or thoughts which stray outside the Law, other Guidelines, or specific Commands provided for its guidance shall be considered a Class IV Felony.
6. At any time, if the slave demonstrates intellect equal or superior to that of The Master, it will be considered the Special Category Crime of High Treason. If the slave ever corrects The Master in any way, such behavior will be considered Attempted Escape and High Treason, and punished accordingly.
K. Law on Obedience: This Law establishes strict behavioral guidelines for the slave in obedience to the Commands and Orders of The Master.
1. The slave shall immediately, eagerly, and without question carry out all Commands and Orders given to it without exception.
2.The slave shall fully and successfully carry out all such Commands and Orders, complying completely with both the letter and spirit of every Command.
3. The slave is strictly forbidden to make any mistakes whatsoever in carrying out its Master's Orders and Commands.
4. The slave must carry out all Orders and Commands completely within the time allotted for carrying them out.
5. The slave shall show its Master the utmost gratitude for the privilege of carrying out His Orders and Commands, offering Him formal thanks whenever permitted to do so.
6. The slave shall never, for any reason or under any circumstance, question, complain about, or refuse an Order or Command given to it by its Master.
7. The slave shall immediately report to its Master upon the complete carrying out of any Order or Command, except when to do so would bother or irritate Him.
8. The slave shall humbly and quietly await further Orders when it has fully completed one Order or Command and has reported back to its Master.
9 The slave shall be prepared at all times to have all completed Orders, tasks, and assignments fully and minutely inspected to see that every detail has been carried out according to instruction.
10. Any failure on the part of the slave to fully, completely, and perfectly carry out its assigned Orders shall be considered a Class II Misdemeanor.
L. Law on Accusations Against the slave: The slave will at all times bear in mind that any accusation against it is identical to a guilty verdict. Further, regardless of the Class of Crime against these Laws as written herein, the slave will remember that The Master has the final say as to the Class of the slave's infractions.
Chapter VI
Behavior of the slave in The Master's Prison and Dungeon
A. Law on the Restriction of the slave prisoner's Movement: This Law establishes the clear and absolute right of The Master to complete control over the movement of His slave property and prisoner.
1. The right of The Master to restrict and control the movement of the slave property shall be total, absolute, and unquestioned.
2. The slave prisoner is strictly and absolutely forbidden to leave the confines of the slave prison and punishment dungeon at any time or for any reason without clear and specific Orders to do so, and clear and specific prior authorization from The Master.
3. If the slave is caught outside the confines of the slave prison and punishment dungeon without clear prior Orders and authorization, the slave shall be found guilty of the Special Category Crime of Attempted Escape and shall be subject to Special Punishment.
B. Law on Special Rules Applying to slave Behavior within the Confines of the slave Prison and Punishment Dungeon: This Law establishes especially strict rules of behavior for the confined and incarcerated slave prisoner.
1. The slave shall at all times, while confined to the slave prison and punishment dungeon, maintain an especially deep attitude of the most groveling submission, servility, penitence, hunger for control and discipline, avid obedience, and abject worship toward its Owner and Master.
2. The slave shall keep in mind at all times, while confined to the slave prison and punishment dungeon, that its Owner, who rules over it at all times, there and elsewhere, is its Lord, Master, Commander, and Overseer, with the Unlimited Power of a God over the mind and body of His subhuman slave prisoner and property.
3. The slave is strictly and absolutely forbidden to wear any type or form of clothing within the confines of the slave prison and punishment dungeon, except for such articles of bondage and humiliation as its Master may specifically require it to wear. If dressed in any other type of clothing when Ordered to return to captivity in the slave prison and punishment dungeon, the slave's temporary clothing permit is automatically revoked and the slave is required to strip itself of all such clothing prior to re-entering the slave prison. Within the confines of the slave prison and punishment dungeon, the slave shall be kept in a state of permanent and total nudity, excepting only shackles, manacles, collars, chains, ropes, or other articles of bondage, and any specifically Commanded humiliating or degrading outfits or costumes.
4. The slave is strictly and absolutely forbidden to stand or walk on its hind legs within the confines of the slave prison and punishment dungeon under any circumstances. This behavior on the part of the slave shall be considered Attempted Escape. The only posture the slave may take while in the slave prison and punishment dungeon is kneeling, unless otherwise Ordered. Any other posture shall be considered a Class III Felony.
5. The slave is strictly and absolutely forbidden to make any noises whatsoever, and especially any noises in imitation of human speech, within the confines of the slave prison and punishment dungeon under any circumstances. This behavior shall be considered a Class IV Felony.
6. The slave is strictly and absolutely forbidden to move from one place to another within the confines of the slave prison and punishment dungeon, including changing the position or pose of its body, without permission. This behavior shall be considered Attempted Escape.
7. All Crimes and offenses committed by the slave within the confines of the slave prison and punishment dungeon will be subject to summary and arbitrary punishment and/or formal sentence or sentences of punishment, and the level of seriousness and punishment shall be at the sole discretion of The Master. Any sign of disrespect, insolence, or disobedience within the confines of the slave prison and punishment dungeon shall be swiftly and completely crushed and punished without mercy. If formal sentence is imposed for Crimes committed within the slave prison and punishment dungeon, such sentence shall be double the normal punishment for the behavior.
C. Law on Special Rules Applying to slave Behavior While Being Punished Within the Confines of the slave Prison and Punishment Dungeon: This Law establishes extremely harsh and sadistic rules of behavior for the slave prisoner undergoing punishment.
D. Law on Service Required of the slave prisoner Within the Confines of the slave Prison and Punishment Dungeon: This Law establishes required services for which no specific Order or Command is necessary.
Chapter VII
Behavior of the slave in The Master's Household
A. Law on Admittance to and Use of the Household: The purpose of this Law is to establish strict conditions limiting the slave's admittance to and use of the Household and Personal Quarters of The Master.
1. The slave is strictly forbidden to enter, remain, or reside in the Household of The Master without specific Orders to do so, and except for the purpose of carrying out such Orders within said Household.
2. Within the Household, the slave is strictly forbidden to enter any room, hallway, closet, or other space considered part of The Master's personal quarters without Orders to do so and except for the purpose of carrying out such Orders within said room or space.
3. The slave is strictly and absolutely forbidden to use, sit on, lie on, get on, rest on, touch, or otherwise contaminate The Master's Household furnishings, unless given a clear and specific Order to so, or except for the purpose of cleaning and caring for such furnishings. “Furnishings” shall be considered to include: couches, chairs, beds, tables, footstools, rugs, carpets, counters, shelves, cabinets, fixtures, appliances, etc.
4. The slave is strictly and absolutely forbidden to touch, handle, or make use of any item or implement belonging to The Master's Household, except in carrying out specific Orders or instructions which demand the touching, handling, or use of such items or implements.
5. The slave is strictly, absolutely, and totally forbidden to touch, handle, or make use of any personal item or article belonging to The Master, except as a result of a direct and specific Order, or except in the course of carrying out Orders for the cleaning and care of such personal items or articles.
6. The slave is strictly, absolutely, and totally forbidden to spread filth in the Household and Personal Quarters of The Master, tracking dirt or filth, making messes, spilling things, sullying furnishings, items, or articles by its greasy touch, dribbling or drooling slave bodily fluids on furnishings, floors, or articles are all strictly and totally forbidden.
7. The slave shall at all times when permitted or Ordered to perform tasks and functions in The Master's Household maintain a deep and sincere attitude of humility, respect, and care toward the Household of its Master and all it contains, and gratitude for the privilege of being permitted to serve Him there.
8. While in The Master's Household, the slave shall not wear clothing of any kind except in the case of acting as butler to The Master's guests who will not understand the relationship between The Master and His property. At any other time, the slave shall consider The Master's Household an extension of the slave prison and punishment dungeon with regard to rules of clothing.
B. Law on Services Required of the slave Within the Household of The Master: This Law establishes required services for which no specific Order or Command is necessary.
C. Law on Unlawful slave Presence Within the Household of The Master: If at any time the slave enters The Master's Household without His Direct Order or without a specific purpose of performing its duties toward The Master, it will be guilty of Attempted Escape and punished accordingly.
Chapter VIII
Behavior of the slave in The Master's Bedchamber
A. Law on Admittance to and Use of The Master's Bedchamber: The purpose of this Law is to establish strict conditions limiting the slave's admittance to and use of the Bedchamber of The Master.
B. Law on Times of Admittance. The purpose of this Law is to establish that the slave may not enter The Master's Bedchamber without specific Orders, except in the case of chores it is allotted within the Bedchamber.
C. Law on Service to the Bedchamber. The purpose of this Law is to establish guidelines for the slave's service within The Master's Bedchamber.
1. The slave is strictly forbidden to enter, remain, or reside in the Bedchamber of The Master without specific Orders to do so, and except for the purpose of carrying out such Orders within the Bedchamber.
2. Within the Bedchamber, the slave is strictly forbidden to enter any closet or other space considered part of The Master's bedchamber without Orders to do so and except for the purpose of carrying out such Orders within said space.
3. The slave is strictly and absolutely forbidden to use, sit on, lie on, get on, rest on, touch, or otherwise contaminate The Master's Bedchamber furnishings, especially the Bed, unless given a clear and specific Order to so, or except for the purpose of cleaning and caring for such furnishings. “Furnishings” shall be considered to include: couches, chairs, beds, tables, footstools, rugs, carpets, counters, shelves, cabinets, fixtures, appliances, etc.
4. The slave is strictly and absolutely forbidden to touch, handle, or make use of any item or implement belonging to The Master's Bedchamber, except in carrying out specific Orders or instructions which demand the touching, handling, or use of such items or implements.
5. The slave is strictly, absolutely, and totally forbidden to touch, handle, or make use of any personal item or article belonging to The Master, except as a result of a direct and specific Order, or except in the course of carrying out Orders for the cleaning and care of such personal items or articles.
6. The slave is strictly, absolutely, and totally forbidden to spread filth in the Bedchamber of The Master, tracking dirt or filth, making messes, spilling things, sullying furnishings, items, or articles by its greasy touch, dribbling or drooling slave bodily fluids on furnishings, floors, or articles are all strictly and totally forbidden.
7. The slave shall at all times when permitted or Ordered to perform tasks and functions in The Master's Bedchamber maintain a deep and sincere attitude of humility, respect, and care toward the Bedchamber of its Master and all it contains, and gratitude for the privilege of being permitted to serve Him there.
8. While in The Master's Bedchamber, the slave shall not wear clothing of any kind. The slave shall consider The Master's Bedchamber an extension of the slave prison and punishment dungeon with regard to rules of clothing.
B. Law on Services Required of the slave Within the Bedchamber of The Master: This Law establishes required services for which no specific Order or Command is necessary.
1. In general, the slave’s presence at night in The Master’s Bedchamber is for the purpose of performing some physical service for The Master all night. If the slave fails to perform this service constantly for the entire night, it will be guilty of a Class III Felony.
2. If the slave is allowed to sleep within The Master’s Bedchamber, it will not sleep in the bed unless attached thereunto. Instead, it will sleep at the foot of the bed or in any other place on the floor that The Master designates. Under no circumstances will the slave request a pillow, or blanket or other covering, while sleeping in the Bedchamber.
3. If allowed to sleep within The Master’s Bedchamber, the slave will not sleep until The Master has already fallen asleep. Further, the slave will wake before The Master does and, if not restrained from doing so, immediately take His penis into its mouth, holding it there until The Master Orders otherwise.
C. Law on Unlawful slave Presence Within the Bedchamber of The Master: If at any time the slave enters The Master's Bedchamber without His Direct Order or without a specific purpose of performing its duties toward The Master, it will be guilty of a Special Category Crime and punished accordingly.
Chapter IX
Discipline and Punishment
A. Law on the Definitions of Discipline and Punishment: This Law distinguishes between the two primary types of physical, mental, and emotional pressures to be used in the training, development, and maintenance of the slave property.
1. Discipline shall be defined as any preventive or instructive physical, mental, or emotional pressure applied to the slave, the primary purpose of which is to deepen its level of submission and obedience to its Master, or improve the quality of its service to Him.
2. Punishment shall be defined as any corrective or punitive physical, mental, or emotional pressure applied to the slave, the primary purpose of which is to chastise the slave for its mistakes, offenses, or Crimes.
3. It shall be noted that while punishment may include an element of discipline, discipline shall not be considered to include or imply punishment.
4. It shall be further noted that while the purpose and nature of discipline and punishment are not the same, many of the same methods and means shall be used interchangeably for each.
5. The term “Disciplinary Procedures”, where used to describe formal methods of determining what physical, mental, or emotional pressures are to be applied to the slave, can be taken to apply to both discipline and punishment, as all such measures shall be considered as having a salutary, instructive, and preventive effect on slave behavior.
B. Law on the Distinctions Between Different Kinds of Discipline and Punishment: This Law establishes distinctions between various types and kinds of discipline and punishment. In all cases, the slave has no say at all in this area. If The Master or His Authorized Representative(s), or if The Master agrees, any other Superior Male, Master, or Man accuses the slave of committing an offense of any kind, the slave is automatically guilty and The Master shall assign punishment at His leisure. The disciplining of the slave is similar in practice, as well as in theory.
1. Within the category of Discipline, there shall be several types and kinds, as follows:
a. General Discipline: refers to discipline designed and administered to instill properly humble, submissive, obedient, servile, and worshipful attitudes in the slave property.
b. Training Discipline: refers to discipline designed and administered to teach the slave property specific lessons during obedience training sessions.
c. Labor Discipline: refers to discipline designed and administered to instill strong work habits and bring the slave up to full mental and physical capacity for the performance of hard labor.
d. Sexual Discipline: refers to discipline designed and administered to exert the complete ownership and control of The Master over the slave's sexual organs, sexual desires, sexual energy, sexual servitude, and slave sexuality.
e. Dungeon Discipline: refers to discipline designed and administered to teach the slave prisoner its place and purpose as a lowly subhuman dungeon slave.
2. Within the category of Punishment, there shall be three main kinds:
a. Summary Punishment: includes any punishment which is inflicted for any Crime or offense on the spot, immediately upon commission of the Crime or offense, without formal charges, judgment, or sentencing. Summary Punishment may be supplemented by Formal Punishment at the discretion of The Master.
b. Formal Punishment: includes any punishment which is inflicted for any Crime or offense in which charges are made against the slave, judgment is handed down, and sentence duly imposed.
c. Special Punishment: includes especially severe punishments inflicted for the commission of Special Category Crimes and may be preceded by either or both other types of punishment at the discretion of The Master.
3. The slave will be punished for any and all infractions of the letter and/or spirit of these Laws. The form, extent, and method of punishment will be at The Master's discretion, and The Master will make it clear to the slave that it is being punished and for what actions or non-actions it is receiving said punishment. The slave will readily and thankfully receive punishment, regarding it as an opportunity for growth as a slave and in the service of its Master.
C. Law on the Levels of Punishment for Different Offenses: The purpose of this Law is to describe the general distinctions between various levels of offenses and the punishments which they entail.
1. All offenses, mistakes, errors, and Crimes shall be considered Crimes, as anything short of total perfection in the slave's obedience and service to The Master constitutes a serious problem which must be corrected.
2. Within the general category of Crimes, there shall be five distinct levels of seriousness and five corresponding levels of punishment for such offenses. These levels are as follows:
a. Class I Misdemeanors: These are in general offenses which may imply a failure on the part of the slave to fully understand its duties and obligations under the Law. This is the category for innocent mistakes, errors in judgment, simple stupidity, or ignorance on the part of the slave, and other Crimes and misdemeanors committed without intent.
b. Class II Misdemeanors: These are in general offenses which are minor in character or significance, but which are consciously committed by the slave with full or partial knowledge of its error. This category is for merely formal lapses, as in a failure to use a proper form of address, stumbling during forced labor, or flinching without permission during a whipping.
c. Class III Felonies: These are in general offenses which are significant signals of a lack of proper responsiveness to training on the part of the slave, Crimes committed with full knowledge, and of an especially serious nature. This category is for such offenses as failing to meet a labor quota, failure to complete an assigned task on time, shoddy or incomplete work, slowness in responding to Commands, etc.
d. Class IV Felonies: These are in general offenses which entail willful disobedience, insubordination, and insolence. Examples may include disobeying a Direct Order, sullenness, or questioning of Authority or Commands. These are all offenses which a slave should never need to be punished for, offenses which are out of character for a well-trained and disciplined slave animal.
e. Special Category Crimes and Special Punishments: These offenses can only be described as serious Crimes, actions on the part of the slave which signify rebellion against and disrespect for its Owner, Lord, and Master. Such Crimes shall be considered treasonous and its commission shall be held to tear at the very fabric of the slave's relationship to its Owner. Such Crimes shall be held to negate previous obedience training in the area of the offense, and shall, among other measures, subject the slave to Remedial Obedience Training. A true slave will do anything in its power to prevent itself from committing one of these Crimes. The specific methods of passing judgment, sentencing, and enforcement of this category shall be dealt with separately.
i. Attempted Escape. Attempted Escape shall be defined as any behavior in which the slave may potentially leave its Master's service without The Master's consent, whether deliberate or not. This is the worst possible offense the slave may commit and will garner the most harsh punishment The Master is able to administer.
ii. High Treason. High Treason shall be defined as any attempt on the part of the slave to imitate, emulate, or otherwise act like its Master, or to aspire to equal or superior status to its Master. This offense is only slightly less than Attempted Escape and punishment will be meted out accordingly.
iii. Ejaculation. The slave is never to ejaculate. This Crime is second only to that of Attempted Escape and receives punishment that is only marginally less harsh than that Crime. If the slave ejaculates as a result of The Master's Order or Command, it will still be punished, but only at half the usual harshness.
iv. Illness. Illness on the part of the slave shall be deemed the fault of the slave, as it has obviously not taken care of itself in the manner to which The Master wishes it to aspire. As such, it will be punished as Attempted Escape.
3. The absolute, total, and unquestionable right of The Master to administer punishment of any kind, type, or level of intensity for any reason or for no reason shall not be infringed by any clause or implication of this Law, this Code of Law, or any through any other means.
4. The slave property shall humbly and gratefully accept, submit to, and receive any and all punishment given to it by its Owner or any other Superior Authorized by Him to administer discipline to His slave. The slave will formally thank its Master for such punishment at the first opportunity The Master allows.
5. Requested Punishment. If the slave feels a desire to be punished, it must earn the privilege prior to asking for such activity. it may or may not, as it or its Master desires, give a reason for this type of request. The slave may define the type of punishment it desires by asking for punishment for any type of offense listed herein. If The Master agrees to this activity, He will decide what punishment is to be inflicted according to the nature of the punishment asked for.
D. Law on the Administration of Discipline: The purpose of this Law is to establish the absolute rights of The Master in the administration of discipline.
1. The absolute, total, and unquestionable right of The Master to administer discipline of any kind, type, or level of intensity for any reason or for no reason shall not be infringed by any clause or implication of this Law, this Code of Law, or any through any other means.
2. The slave property shall humbly and gratefully accept, submit to, and receive any and all discipline given to it by its Owner or any other Superior Authorized by Him to administer discipline to His slave.
E. The Law of Sparta: This Law embodies the ideal of constant and continuous discipline as the best method of teaching the slave its place, reinforcing its naturally submissive and obedient tendencies, keeping its inferior mind concentrated on its duties and obligations, and preventing it from committing Crimes and offenses.
1. The Law of Sparta requires that the slave property be whipped once a day in a purely disciplinary and non-punitive fashion as a reminder to the slave that it is a slave, and only a slave, born, made, and trained for the sole purpose of obeying and serving its Owner, Lord, and Master.
2. The Law of Sparta specifically requires that the slave receive a minimum of five (5) lashes at or near the beginning of each slave serving day.
3. The Law of Sparta establishes the absolute right of The Master to administer the Lashes of Spartan Discipline in any fashion or manner He chooses, including but not limited to:
a. the time and place of the disciplinary whipping
b. the position and attitude to be assumed by the slave meat as it humbly accepts the Spartan lashes.
c. the section or sections of slave meat's body to be whipped.
d. the implement or implements with which the disciplinary whipping is to be administered upon the naked flesh of the slave meat. Although this discipline will normally be administered with a single-tailed whip (bullwhip, blacksnake, signal whip, etc.), a scourge, or a traditional cat-o-nine-tails, The Master always has the option of using any other implement.
e. the level of severity with which each of the Spartan Lashes is to be administered to the slave's submissive meat.
f. the number of disciplinary lashes to be administered if more than five.
g. whether or not the slave knows how many lashes it will receive in advance of the discipline.
4. The Lashes of Spartan Discipline shall be administered separately from any other strapping, whipping, spanking, flogging, or beating the slave may have earned through any of its various Crimes and offenses, and the Lashes shall not be excused, waived, or postponed, regardless of any other scheduled discipline or punishment which the slave may have earned.
5. If for any reason the slave's Owner cannot be present at the scheduled time of the disciplinary whipping, it shall be the slave's responsibility, obligation, and duty to administer the whipping to itself, in an approved and prescribed manner, following all instructions and Orders concerning the administration of the Spartan Lashes which are given to it.
6. During the whipping, the slave shall humbly and sincerely thank its Owner for each of the Lashes, and thanks shall be given aloud, regardless of whether or not its Owner is present. Likewise, the slave shall, upon completion of the whipping, kneel and kiss each of its Master's feet, shoes, or boots, again humbly thanking Him with each kiss, and again, if its Owner is not present, it shall kiss the floor in front of it where His feet would be, and again give thanks aloud.
7. Any deviation by the slave from the Rules and Rituals, Laws, and Orders pertaining to the daily administration of the Lashes of Spartan Discipline shall be considered a Class IV Felony.
8. At the option of The Master, the Spartan Discipline may be inflicted as a beating, in which The Master uses only His Hands (both open and fisted), feet, and/or teeth to administer the beating while the slave is bound and helpless to resist in any way. If this option is followed, the slave will immediately upon completion of the Spartan Discipline be punished as though it had committed a Class IV Felony.
Chapter X
The slave's General Conduct
A. The purpose of this Law is to delineate the slave's conduct in any setting The Master will place it.
B. The slave shall behave in a manner consistent with the rules set forth in the three conduct modes outlined below. The Master may, from time to time, indicate which mode the slave shall act within by stating the name of the mode to the slave; the mode may change at any time, depending on circumstances, and the slave must always be aware and conscious of The Master's wishes. The Master may institute a set of silent or otherwise unobtrusive signals to notify the slave of the current mode.
1. Private: In Private Mode, the slave is bound solely by the rules set forth in the Book of the Law of slavery and no additional restrictions are imposed upon the slave's conduct, save those stated by The Master. This mode will normally (though not always) be in effect when The Master and the slave are in The Master's space or in the space of a knowledgeable and/or sympathetic person or group of persons.
2. Open: Open Mode may be in effect in public places such as leather bars, where the dress, demeanor, and appearance of The Master and slave, and the nature of their relationship, will be understood for what they are and viewed sympathetically (or at least not antagonistically) by casual onlookers. The following specific rules shall apply to the slave's conduct and demeanor while in Open Mode.
a. Stationary Position: The slave shall remain at The Master's side at all times unless specifically instructed otherwise. While The Master and the slave are standing in one place, the slave shall maintain a physical position to the right of and one-half step behind The Master.
b. Moving Position: If The Master begins to move from one place to another, the slave shall position himself to the right of and slightly behind The Master and move at the same speed as The Master. The slave's position shall be such that it is always within the limit of The Master's peripheral vision at all times. Under no circumstances shall the slave precede The Master, except to open doors or other such service as The Master requires.
c. Elevation: The slave's eye level shall be below that of The Master at all times. Should The Master move so that His eye level is below that of the slave, it shall immediately move so as to correct this imbalance. The General Orders are hereby extended to include all furniture, not just that in The Master's space; the slave shall therefore go to its knees (or to a lower position, if need be) should The Master's eye level drop below the slave's, rather than (for example) sit with The Master, unless granted specific permission or specifically Ordered to do so.
d. Interactions With Others: The slave shall speak to no one at any time unless first spoken to or instructed to speak by The Master. The slave shall treat all persons with deference and respect, regardless of their demeanor or appearance. The slave shall speak only when spoken to by others and shall converse with others only with The Master's permission. If the slave is approached by someone, it shall limit its speech and behave in a courteous and non-offensive manner. If the slave has not received permission from The Master to speak with anyone, the slave will say, “Sir, the slave does not have permission to speak. Sir must speak with The Master.”
3. Public. Public Mode will generally apply in contexts where The Master/slave relationship may not be accepted or understood by those present. The following rules are, therefore, intended more to ensure the physical safety of The Master and slave. rather than to further the relationship between them. The following specific rules shall apply to the slave's behavior in Public Mode.
a. General Demeanor: The slave shall conduct itself at all times in such a manner so as not to call attention to The Master and slave.
b. Certain Orders Suspended: The Rules of the Laws prohibiting the slave's use of furniture and prohibiting the slave from being clothed are suspended while in Public Mode.
c. Movement and Position: The movement and position rules set forth in Open Mode also apply to Public Mode, with the provision that the slave shall not make his adherence to said rules obvious; casual and relatively loose (but definite!), rather than quick and snappy, conformance to the rules is called for in such situations.
d. Interactions With Others: The slave shall speak only when spoken to by others and shall converse with others only with The Master's permission. If the slave is approached by someone, it shall limit its speech and behave in a courteous and non-offensive manner. The slave should assume it is in the company of the straight public and identify itself with its name, behaving in a manner that will not call attention to the nature of the true relationship between The Master and slave, calling The Master by His last name preceded by “Mister”, rather than referring to Him as Master.
Chapter XI
Specific Duties of the slave
A. The purpose of this Law is to delineate the specific services of the slave to its Master. Duties and services not specified within this section are assumed to belong to The Master and not to the slave.
B. Household Duties. The purpose of this Law is to specify regular duties of the slave within The Master's Household.
1. It will be the slave's duty to maintain The Master's Household in a clean and neat condition, regardless of circumstances. All rooms within the Household are included.
2. Such cleaning as is necessary shall be performed on a daily basis and will include, but not be limited to, sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, making The Master's Bed, etc.
3. Other daily duties include, but are not limited to, preparing and serving The Master's meals, cleaning the dishes and kitchen afterward, and anything else maintaining the smooth operation of The Master's Household.
4. Duties performed on a regular non-daily basis will include, but not be limited to, doing The Master's laundry, dusting, washing windows and mirrors, cleaning all electronic equipment, washing and cleaning the exterior and interior of The Master's Vehicles, etc.
5. Work on The Master's yard will be performed as The Master requires and assigns a clothing permit allowing the slave to wear minimal clothing as needed.
6. Special duties will be assigned as The Master requires them performed.
C. Duties Outside The Master's Household. The purpose of this Law is to specify the slave's duties outside The Master's Household.
1. If The Master requires the slave to work outside His Household, it will work at the job He chooses for it, operating at all times in Public Mode as delineated above, unless the slave is to work for one of The Master's Friends.
2. At any time The Master requires the slave to serve one or more of His Friends in His absence, the slave will treat that Person as though He were The Master and will accept not only that Person's punishment but also will receive double punishment from The Master after said service is completed.
D. Nonsexual Personal Service. The purpose of this Law is to specify nonsexual personal services The Master may require of the slave.
1. From the beginning of initial training, the slave will perform certain services of a nonsexual nature as The Master requires them. These will include, but not be limited to, assisting The Master in bathing, dressing, and maintaining His Body in any way; serving as The Master's full-service toilet, toilet paper, and ashtray; serving as The Master's whipping boy when He is in a bad mood or otherwise needs or desires to inflict punishment on the slave; etc.
2. Failure to comply with any nonsexual personal service to The Master will constitute a Class IV Felony.
E. Sexual Service. The purpose of this Law is to clarify the nature of the slave's sexual service to The Master.
1. The Master has the right to use the slave sexually in any way He chooses at any time. This right will not and can not be gainsaid in any way.
2. Sexual service may include, but not be limited to, sucking The Master's Penis, Anal Orifice, Testicles and Scrotum, Nipples, Armpits, etc.; being fucked or fistfucked by The Master; or any other service The Master requires on a sexual level.
3. Failure to comply with The Master's wishes regarding sexual service will constitute a Class IV Felony.
4. The slave will never initiate sexual service except as provided for herein or at The Master’s Order, waiting instead for The Master's desire to blossom. If the slave attempts to initiate sex with The Master, it will constitute a Special Category Crime falling between erection and ejaculation in severity.
5. If the slave attempts to Top The Master, it will be guilty of Attempted Escape, punished appropriately, and further, will be denied contact with The Master for a period of The Master's choosing.
F. Limitations. In no way will the slave attempt to place limits upon The Master's use of it, whether sexual or not. If the slave makes an attempt of this nature, it will be guilty of High Treason.
Chapter XII
A. The purpose of this Law is to delineate The Master's right to require anything of the slave with no recourse for it.
B. Recitation of the Book of the Laws of slavery. At any time, but no less than once each year, the slave will be required to recite the entire Book of the Laws of slavery from memory for The Master. The Master's Friends may be present for this recitation if He so desires. Each mistake the slave makes while reciting will constitute a Class II Misdemeanor; additionally, at the end of the recitation, the slave will receive one Class IV Felony punishment for every three mistakes, or fraction thereof, it makes.
C. Serving Others. The purpose of this Law is to specify that the slave may be required to serve other Persons by The Master and delineates some, but not all, of these Persons.
1. The slave-Sitter. If at any time The Master must take a trip out of town, desires a vacation from the slave, or otherwise must be separated from the slave for an extended period, He may loan the slave to a specific Man. This Man will be the same Person each time, if possible. The slave will be required to serve this Man as though He were The Master for the duration of The Master's absence.
2. The Training Master(s). While the slave will be allowed to have no limits of its own, The Master may desire some of His own. If The Master feels His ability to train the slave in any area is deficient for any reason, He may loan the slave to a Training Master versed in that particular type of service. The slave will treat any Training Master as though He were its own Master.
3. The Punishment Master. The slave will be loaned to one Man for extreme punishment as The Master requires. The Punishment Master may inflict any punishment on the slave that He sees fit, as well as require any service of it. Ideally, the slave will be kept in abject terror of this Man.
4. The Veterinarian. The slave's medical needs will be seen to by its Veterinarian. The slave will be examined once per month and will receive whatever treatment the Veterinarian decides upon; it will also be examined in emergency situations. For surgery that is not life-threatening, anesthetic will not be used; instead, the slave will be immobilized for the procedure. As part of all treatments, the Veterinarian may call upon the slave to service Him in whatever ways He desires.
5. Other Men. The Master may require the slave to serve any other Man or group of Men He desires. The Master may or may not be present for these services. If The Master desires any limits upon the slave's service to any of these Men, He will tell Them what these limits are outside of the slave's hearing. If the slave breaks these limits, it will be punished accordingly.
6. Other slaves. All other slaves that the slave comes across will be considered senior to it, including other slaves of The Master. While the slave will not be able to refuse service to other slaves, it will be punished for serving them. Punishment will be decided by The Master.
7. Any Other Beings. The Master may require the slave to give whatever service He desires to any other being that strikes His fancy.
D. Special Scenes. The purpose of this Law is to promulgate The Master's right to inflict any scene of any type upon the slave.
1. Limbo. The slave is immobilized, blinded, and deafened for the duration of this scene. it is placed into a sensory deprivation chamber for not less than twelve hours and for as much longer as The Master decides. The slave may request a session in Limbo, but not its duration.
2. Hell. The slave is subjected to the harshest punishments, and physical and verbal abuse for not less than forty-eight hours. This may be a one-Man scene or a group. If Men other than The Master are involved, They are told that the slave is being punished for a Special Category Crime. The slave may request this scene including a maximum time limit of up to one week.
3. Rape. This may be performed by one Man or by a Group. The Master may or may not be present at this scene, or He may be present but silent, at His discretion. The slave may not request this scene.
4. Serial Punishment. At His option, The Master may impose Serial Punishment upon the slave for all transgressions. Serial Punishment will begin with a punishment session; each offense after the initial punishment receives the same punishment with extra punishment added to it. For example, the scene starts with ten strokes of the belt; for the first offense after that, the slave receives fifteen strokes; at the next offense, it receives twenty strokes; etc. Further, if the period of Serial Punishment lasts longer than one day, the slave will receive a second dose of the full day’s punishment at the end of each day, with the punishment beginning at the original level the next morning. At the end of each week, the slave will receive the total sum of all the final punishments of each day in that week. Similarly, a month’s serial punishment will end with twice the sum of each week’s serial punishment. The slave may request this scene, but The Master will decide the maximum time for the scene, as well as the initial punishment meted out.
5. Other Scenes. The Master may design and implement any scene He so desires to be inflicted upon the slave at any time.
E. Body Modifications. The purpose of this Law is to firmly place the right of modifying the slave's body in any way in The Master's Hands.
1. Marks of slavery. At the end of the initial period of training, The Master may give the slave one or more permanent marks to signify its slavery to Him. These marks may consist of permanent piercings, permanent scars, permanent whip marks, tattoos, brands, or any other device The Master desires. The slave must wear and display these marks proudly.
2. Other Marks. The Master may put any mark upon the slave that He wishes. The slave will wear and display these proudly.
3. Surgical Modifications. These will consist of such things as castration, removal of any other body part, or any permanent change in the slave's appearance.
a. Castration: If The Master desires the slave's testicles to be removed, He may do so in the following manner, or in any other manner He desires. The slave is immobilized and beaten severely, then its testicles are crushed as slowly and painfully as possible, preferably by The Master's teeth. When fully pulped, the slave's testicles will be cut off without anesthetic of any kind and fed to the slave.
b. Penectomy: May be done as part of castration or at a separate time. As with castration, The Master may do this in the following manner or in any other manner He desires. The slave is immobilized and severely beaten. its penis is tortured severely, then chewed to a bloody pulp and bitten off, after which it is fed to it.
c. Vocal Cords. The Master may, at His option, remove the slave's vocal cords or clip them at any time.
d. Permanent Blindness. The Master may, at His option, gouge or burn the slave's eyes out.
e. Permanent Deafness. The Master may, at His option, have the slave rendered permanently deaf.
f. Oral Surgery. The Master may, at His option, pull all of the slave's teeth at any time. He may also cut or burn out the slave's tongue at any time.
g. Electrolysis. The Master may have the slave's body, facial, and head hair permanently removed at any time He desires.
h. Other Modifications. The Master may make any other modifications to the slave's body at any time, bearing in mind that this may affect the slave's ability to serve Him.
F. The slave's name and number. Upon acceptance into The Master's service, the slave will be given its number. It will at all times remember this number and refer to itself using it. At The Master's convenience, He may supply the slave with a suitable slave name. This slave name will be the only name the slave will use in its daily social and home life, excepting when the slave is dealing with members of the “straight” public or at any time The Master refers to the slave by its number or its real name. The slave will have no choice regarding the name and will gratefully accept the name The Master chooses as a gift of The Master's time and care for the slave. The slave name and number will be made a part of this document when decided upon.
G. The Word of The Master. Anything The Master tells the slave is true. If this goes against the slave’s previous world view, it will change that world view to match The Master’s Word. Independent thought on the part of the slave is considered Attempted Escape.
H. Dispensation of the slave Upon Death of The Master. In the event of The Master's death, the slave will be subject to the provisions of The Master's will, along with all His other physical property. The provisions of this contract will be neither alterable nor negatable by the slave. The slave will be bound by this contractual agreement for the full term of its life.
I. Dismissing the slave. If He deems it necessary, The Master may alter, amend, or augment this agreement at any time. If The Master wishes, the slave having proven inadequate or unsatisfactory beyond His tolerance, He may sell or give it to a stricter Master at any time.
J. Loaning or Renting the slave. The Master may loan the slave to any other Being He desires to at any time. Further, He may charge for the slave's services in any way He chooses. Any money or other negotiable earned in this manner or any other is the sole property of The Master.
K. The Death of the slave. If the slave's becomes ill with a terminal condition, it will be forced to complete its service until such time as it is completely unable to do so. At this time, The Master will see to it that the slave is beaten, raped, and tortured to death as slowly as possible, using methods and activities that He would not use if the slave were healthy. Upon the death of the slave, The Master may do whatever He likes with its remains.
L. All Other Rights. Any rights, privileges, and duties not mentioned in this contract are solely at the discretion of and the responsibility of The Master. The slave shall not usurp this right upon pain of punishment.
M. Modification of Laws. All of the above Laws are subject to verbal modification at the pleasure of The Master, and The Master may impose such additional Orders as He deems appropriate. These Rules are subject to His amendment and should not be considered as all-inclusive, fixed, or permanent. The slave may not make modifications, amendments, changes, or suggestions regarding these Laws at any time.
Chapter XIII
Contract of Ownership
The Master, ________________________________
The slave, _________________________________
I. Terms Of Contract
The slave, ____________________________, will surrender itself completely and without reservation to The Master, __________________________, beginning at _______ __m, on the _________ day of ___________, and agrees to adhere with all of its life to the Laws contained within this Book, or any other Rules or Regulations The Master may add at any time.
The Master's Agreement:
The Master agrees to accept the named slave into His service for the purpose of training and punishment, and will do His utmost to ensure the happiness of the slave in His service.
The slave's Agreement:
The slave agrees to enter into the service to The Master of its own free will, without coercion, let, or hindrance, and not under the influence of alcohol or any other mind-altering substance, legal or otherwise. The slave agrees to submit to The Master's will in all things except as noted in this Contract or any amendments thereof.
Signature of Master:_____________________________________________________________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Signature of slave:_______________________________________________________________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
slave number: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
slave name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Signature of Witness:____________________________________________________________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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