Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Thursday, June 28, 2007

Voluntary Servitude Contract
Binding Agreement
I, the undersigned, bind myself totally and completely, without limit, to servitude to the holder(s) of this Contract, hereinafter known as MASTER. [The singular form of the word 'MASTER' is used throughout this contract, though this word may apply to one or more persons delineated below.] I acknowledge receipt of one dollar ($1) and other consideration that to me is sufficient compensation.
I certify that I am at least 18 years old, am not now physically or mentally impaired by influence of any drugs, including alcohol, or other reason where I do not know what I am doing and am legally and mentally competent to contract in my own name. I am signing this document of my own free will, without coercion or pressure of any kind. No one has made any promises, guarantees, warranties, or offered threats or inducements of any kind to get me to sign this Contract.
With full understanding of the meanings and implications of this Contract, I specifically desire and request the control delineated and the activities mentioned herein. I specially desire and request Master to force me to comply if necessary, using any means at Master's disposal without limit.
Interpretive Discussion
I understand that the Sixteenth Amendment prohibits slavery and involuntary servitude. Nevertheless, for my own purposes, I desire to become and to be a DOG. I am signing this contract in an attempt to effect that status. I specifically request the courts, the law and government not to interfere. I consider any attempt by an outside authority to in any way limit MASTER's rights and prerogatives under this Contract to be an unwarranted interference with my constitutional right to privacy. I am of legal age and I am legally an adult who knows what he is doing. I specifically want this. In the strongest language I request the government not to "protect" me from the consequences of this decision.
I give up any and all rights of any kind and description, except those specifically outlined in this document. I specifically waive any and all protection in law or equity, any constitutional rights way prevent MASTER from having total control over every aspect of my life.
I desire to be placed in a position where I CANNOT change my mind.
Recognizing that a government may not allow a totally irrevocable contract, no matter how much I want one, I agree to the following clause, which, while not making this Contract completely unbreakable, makes it extremely difficult to break.
This Contract is irrevocable except as provided for in this paragraph only. First, it can be canceled at any time, without penalty, by mutual consent. If MASTER does not give consent, MASTER has the right to force performance in a court of law or equity or by the use of physical means as outlined above. Second, it may be unilaterally canceled by MASTER at any time, with our without reason.
Areas of Control
MASTER has total and complete control in every area. Except for the limitations below in the medical condition, drug, tobacco, alcohol and sex sections, if any, I agree to MASTER completely, willingly, to the best of my ability, at all times and in every way. I hereby totally submit to MASTER without limit and without reservation. I specifically request and authorize MASTER to use force to compel my obedience, and I specifically request and authorize MASTER to ignore anything I may say or do that might in any way be considered a refusal or retraction on my part. By way of illustrating MASTER's control, but not in any way to limit it, I delineate the following subset of MASTER's rights, privileges, prerogatives, and abilities:
Geographical limits
MASTER has the right to limit my movements: to decide where I live, work, play, etc. MASTER has the exclusive right to dictate my whereabouts at all times. MASTER has the right to exercise this prerogative by physically confining or binding me by any means MASTER desires, with no limitations on time or method. I understand that if restrained, the restraints are REAL and that I will NOT be able to get free until MASTER desires to release me, however long that takes.
MASTER has the exclusive right to dictate every aspect of my dress: to decide what, if anything, I am to wear, when, and for how long.
MASTER agrees not to subject me to arrest for indecent exposure, but MASTER's judgment will govern in all circumstances. MASTER has the right to inspect me at any time, and in any situation.
Grooming and Hygiene
MASTER has the right to dictate every aspect of my grooming and hygiene.
Hair. MASTER alone determines what amount of body hair I have and where, what hair style, from completely bald to as long as it can be grown, I wear and so forth.
Bathing and Washing. MASTER has the exclusive right to dictate my washing, whether by HE HIMSELF, or any designee, both me and my clothing. MASTER may dictate the timing, place, method, and length of my cleansing.
Tattoos, Piercing, Body Art, Branding. MASTER has the exclusive right to dictate what, if any, body piercings, tattoos, scarifications, brandings, or other body art modifications I will receive. Master agrees to employ professionals trained in the specific areas concerned.
Eating and Sleeping. MASTER will provide me with sufficient periods to eat and to keep me in reasonable health. However, MASTER has the exclusive right to dictate the place, time, manner and conditions of my eating, sleeping and drinking. In addition,
MASTER has the right to dictate what I eat or drink.
The following are binding limitations on the otherwise unconditional nature of my service and MASTER's control over me. Except for the limits in this section, there are none. MASTER is in complete control and I hereby authorize and request MASTER to treat me as if I were His own body and to do anything painful, harmful, or helpful that he could legally do to himself.
Medical Condition Limitation
If I develop a medical condition, such as allergy or diabetes, that dictates inclusion or exclusion of certain foods and drink, specific exercise regimens, scheduled medications, etc. MASTER agrees to abide by the limits of diet, exercise , etc., as required to live with the condition.
Drug Limitation I agree, under the strictest of penalties, not to use drugs in any form whatsoever except for: a) over-the-counter medications administered or on orders of MASTER, b) performance-enhancing or state-altering drugs ordered by MASTER, and c) medicines prescribed by a doctor. MASTER agrees to allow me to take prescribed medications on schedule.
Tobacco Limitation
MASTER will not force me to use tobacco. MASTER does, however, have the right to bring me into establishments that allow smoking, order me to serve Him or His friends tobacco products regardless of my preference regarding personal use.
Alcohol Limitation
MASTER will not force me to use alcohol to such an extent that my health or safety is endangered. He may bring me into establishments that allow drinking or order me to serve Him or His friends drinks, or order me to consume alcohol in moderation, regardless of my preference regarding personal use. If I am to use alcohol, it will be only under MASTER's supervision and chosen method.
Sex Limitation
This is NOT a contract for sexual services. I shall NOT receive anything of value for engaging in sex.
I understand I will engage in homosexual sex at MASTER's desire and direction. I agree to do so fully, completely, willingly, and to the best of my ability. MASTER will tell me where, when, with whom, and what sexual activities to undertake. MASTER may also forbid me to engage in sexual activities with any one other than Himself. Such activities may include fetish, sado-masochistic, multi-person, and other activities considered by some to be deviant. Except at MASTER's direction, I agree to refrain from all sexual activity of every kind and description, including self-gratification.
MASTER may order me to perform physical duties on His behalf and may hire out my labor without compensation of any kind to me.
I agree to serve diligently, completely, and to the very best of my ability at all times. All money received for any of my work shall be the property of MASTER. Unless employed by a company owned by MASTER, no employer-k-employee relationship exists between me and MASTER. MASTER is not responsible for worker's compensation, social security (FICA) or other insurance's or taxes. I serve under this Contract for the compensation already received, which is not, and is not to be construed as wages. That I am not an employee can be demonstrated by the IRS test that I cannot quit this Contract.
MASTER agrees to use necessary funds from my work to pay any personal bills or obligations I may have had when signing this contract.
Health and Fitness
I agree at MASTER's direction to submit to every form of examination by health care professionals, fitness experts, or others MASTER deems desirable. I agree to submit to any regiment MASTER orders.
MASTER may enforce His orders by physical, corporal punishment of various types. I understand that, as one method of discipline, I will be spanked (paddled, etc.) with hands or implements. I understand the spankings and whippings are REAL. They WILL hurt, MAY leave marks on my body, and MAY bruise. MASTER may enforce His orders by physical force: in short, by MAKING me to do what He wants done. MASTER may apply corporal punishment and/or force either for a lapse in my behavior , for a completely arbitrary reason, or for his enjoyment, amusement, and gratification.
Hold Harmless
I submit to this Contract and to treatment hereunder entirely of my own free will and volition and for my own reasons. I enter into this Contract solely and entirely at my own risk. I, for myself, my heirs, my assigns, and all other parties of any description, hereby agree to hold harmless, and release from all liability of any kind, MASTER and all other participants in these activities.
Assignment of Property
By signing this Contract, I transfer ownership and all rights to myself, all property, real, personal, tangible, and intangible, and all copyrights, patents, etc. which I now have, will become entitled to, or obtain by any other means during the course of this Contract, to MASTER. MASTER agrees to use any or all of such properties, copyrights, patents, etc. to pay off any obligations or bills I may have had upon entering this contract, and to use the remainder for expenses associated with my upkeep, such as food, medication, clothing, etc. Upon termination of this contract, MASTER agrees to return to me the unused portion of such property or moneys.
Power of Attorney
By my signature below, I grant MASTER unlimited Power of Attorney to turn to His own use and advantage all property described above and to effect any legal transfers or paperwork of any kind and to execute contracts of any sort in my name; to effect and to enforce all rights, privileges, and conditions of this Contract; and to do anything in my name which I could lawfully do without exception or limitation. MASTER may specifically do things under this Power of Attorney which may be perceived to be to His benefit. I desire that MASTER be free to exercise this Power of Attorney without any conditions, bonds, oversight, restraint, or interference of any kind. Also, according to the State I will be living in, I will sign Power of Attorney in the form prescribed by law, and have it registered with the County Clerks Office registry of documents.
This and other signed Power of Attorney lasts indefinitely from the date of my signing the Contract below.
Model Release
I hereby execute an unconditional, unlimited, irrevocable, assignable Model Release in favor of MASTER covering all pictures, films, video, audio, public performance, and recordings of me of any kind, whether true to life or manipulated in any fashion, and all associated material, including promotional, either factual or fictional, used for any purposes whatsoever, including commercial. I waive all rights to inspect the products before or after use and waive my claims for embarrassment or mental distress specifically and all other claims of any sort generally.
Other Provisions; Severability; Assignability
This statement not withstanding, I specifically desire none, or at least the minimum amount of government interference in this contract. If any part of this Contract is held to be invalid, the remainder stands as written and the invalid part is changed as slightly as possible to give MASTER as much latitude and as many rights and privileges as possible. In a similar fashion, in any disagreement of Interpretation, MASTER's desires shall prevail.
MASTER may assign this Contract to any other person or persons without my signed consent.
Execution of Document
Printed name :
Signed: Signature of Witnesses
Wednesday, March 28, 2007

i, ___________________, with full knowledge and the nature of this agreement and of my own desires. Do hereby agree to the labor and voluntary servitude of my person and body to____________________.for their control and use for the length of this agreement. The holder of this Document agrees to provide room and board for which my labor and voluntary servitude will pay.
This period shall run from _________________ and to _________________.
This agreement starts at midnight ________ of _______________, ______ and running until midnight ______________ of _______________, _______.
The only restrictions placed on this agreement consists of the following:
1. no permanent injury,
2. No hospitalization.
Any violation of the above shall terminate this agreement.
All uses by the holder of this Document and /or his agents of assignees to be with no restrictions OTHER THAN THOSE MENTIONED ABOVE.
The signer agrees that by signing this agreement, that the holder of this Document and /or his agents or assignees have total control of the signer. The signer shall at all times obey the orders given to him with total submissiveness on his part. The signer agrees to the right of the holder of this Document and/or his agents or assignees to use whatever they deem appropriate and useful as punishment.
I, ________________, also will declare my labor and voluntary servitude in any manner the holder of this Document desires or wishes.
DATE: ______________, ______
Laborer: ____________________________________
Holder of the Document: __________________________________

This agreement describes the relationship and duties of two people, the Male and the Guardian. The Male is to be locked in a chastity device. The Guardian is to control the keys to that device and, therefore, the sexual behaviour of the Male.
Chastity Device is a locking mechanism that encloses the male genitalia preventing erection, manipulation, and orgasm.
The Male who agrees to have his penis locked beyond his reach in a chastity device.
The Guardian who agrees to maintain the keys to the chastity device.
Once signed the Male accedes to the Guardian any and all right to terminate this agreement. The agreement will remain in force at the pleasure of the Guardian.
The Male will remain in the chastity device at all times. He will keep it clean and only remove it for inspection with the supervision of the Guardian. He will never attempt to defeat the purpose of the device.
The Guardian will keep the keys to the device in a secure place away from the Male.
The Guardian will unlock the device only at her/his discretion.
The Male agrees to have no rights in determining the length of confinement even if the term is permanent.
The Male agrees to accept behaviour modification to eliminate erectile function.
The Male agrees to use prosthetic devices, in lieu of his penis, to satisfy his mate.
The Male agrees to allow others to use prosthetic devices on him.
The Male agrees to whatever use the Guardian requires, including servicing others, female and male.
The Guardian may not:
Cause bodily harm
Require brands, tattoos, or piercing
Require inappropriate clothing or adornment in
Require behaviour that would cause loss of
public reputation or employment
Require behaviour detrimental to health
In addition to the chastity device the Guardian may use other restraints:
Hood, collar, cuffs, strait jacket, spreader
bars, steel cage, corset, back brace, leg
braces. etc.
The Guardian and the Male stipulate they are over twenty-one years old, have read and understand this agreement, and are signing this agreement freely without coercion.

1. A chaste slave is a better slave
Since old times, experienced Masters agree that chastity is good for slaves, because it keeps them horny and thus more eager to serve. It is well-known that slaves generally lack the capicity for self-enforced chastity. When they do cum, they become lazy until the need to orgasm again becomes paramount.
Because Master ........ knows that slave ........ fails completely to upheld his own chastity and slave ........ wasn't able to proof that he could indeed, so to insure that slave ........ does not have to concern himself (and neither his Master) with his own sexual needs and will stay totally abstinent when left without supervision, Master ........ and slave ........ signed this slavecontract, by which slave ........ agrees to be locked up safely and securely in a chastitybelt, of which the keys will be kept by Master ........
2. Definitions
Throughout this contract, the terms are used with following definitions.
* Chastity: Prevention of all kind of active sexual behaviour, especially sexual intercourse, masturbation and ejaculation.
* Chastitybelt: a lockable device designed for continuous wear to keep up slave's chastity, control his sexual urges and to prevent anybody to touch slave's cock by wearing and locking-up, thus marking the slave clearly for every potential seducer as the exclusive sexual propriety of his Master.
* Chastityperiod: The time whilst the slave is locked in the chastitybelt by the Master to keep him in chastity, including locks and re-locks that do not result in the slave having any sexual relief.
* Slave: the individual who will wear the chastitybelt according to this contract because he agrees that he has to be kept in chastity.
* Master: the individual who will lock the device up and will hold tke keys according to this contract.
3. Slave's obligations
The slave is under following obligation.
* For maximum safety the slave will wear the heavy stainless steel chastitybelt with the special high-security lock that is designed by the Belgium beltmaker Walter Goethals.
* For extra safety the slave will have an extra penis-padlock attached to his Prince Albert to prevent any risk of withdrawal.
* The slave will wear the chastitybelt during the agreed period permanent to guarantee his total chastity at any time and any place in absence of his Master.
* The slave will wear the chastitybelt during the agreed period without sexual release as long and as often as his Master thinks appropriate, leaving it totally to him, to decide if and when the slave will be unlocked or even allowed to cum or not.
* The slave agrees that, when the chastitybelt is temporary unlocked, he will allways without protest present his cock to his Master as its legal owner, to have it sucked or emptied manually, if his Master deems this necessary.
* The slave agrees that refusal to wear his chastitybelt again after temporary removal for whatever reason other than stated in paragraph 6 is forbidden.
* The slave knows that after the chastitybelt has been locked around his waist and genitals by his Master he has no right and no possibility to free himself.
* The slave agrees that being belted means that he has given up his say about his own cock and balls, and that from the moment he has been locked up they are the propriety of his Master.
This means:
* The slave is prohibited to try to open the chastitybelt with force.
* The slave is prohibited to touch the keys of his chastitybelt.
* The slave is prohibited to fuck without the Masters permission.
* The slave is prohibited to get sucked without the Masters permission.
* The slave is prohibited to masturbate without the Masters permission.
* The slave is prohibited to ejaculate without the Masters permission.
* The slave is prohibited to ask other persons to look after the keys to remove the chastitybelt for the sake of slave's sexual satisfaction.
4. Master's obligations
The Master is under following obligation.
* Only the Master will open and lock the chastitybelt.
* The Master will take care that the chastitybelt will be applied as tight as possible, to make sure there is no escape possible without the keys.
* Each time the Master re-locks the chastitybelt after opening, he will carefully inspect and try-out if the locks are shut well indeed, to make sure that it will be impossible for the slave to open them by shaking or jerking, and thus the chastity of the slave is totally assured.
* The keys of the chastitybelt will always be surely under the supervision of the Master. He has take care that the slave will NEVER have access to the keys.
* The Master will unlock the chastitybelt at least once a week to have it cleaned, without giving up his rights to control the sex of the slave at that moment.
* For reasons of hygiene the Master will shave all the pubic hair of the slave, and keep it in a shaved state.
* The Master never discloses the fact that he controls the slave's sex without the slave's permission, apart from special places (see paragraph 5).
5. Master's rights
The Master has the following rights.
* From the very moment the belt is locked upon the slave for the first time - i.e. the slave's penis being forced into the curved tube, both belt-ends having slided in the groove of the locking block up to the preferred tension and both locks have been put in place and shut securely - the slave is under sexual control of the Master.
From that very moment:
* The Master has the right to decide how long the slave will have to wear the chastitybelt without interruption, apart from weekly cleaning.
* The Master has the right to decide if and when and the chastitybelt will be opened to give the slave the possibility of sexual release.
* The Master has the right to decide if and when the slave will be allowed to fuck, to get sucked, to masturbate or to cum.
* The Master has the right to hide his decisions in this respect for the slave, and to change them at any time without argument, leaving the slave in uncertainty, if and when the belt may be opened for a while to allow the slave to fuck, to get sucked, to masturbate or to cum.
* The Master has the right to force the slave in appropriate places to show others - Masters or slaves - that he is kept in chastity by being belted and thus has become the sexual propriety of his Master.
6. Special regulations
* If reasons of health make it necessary, the slave can ask the Master to remove the belt, and the Master is obliged to remove it.
* Other specific reasons - as the risk of metal-detectors - sometimes may make it necessary to remove the chastitybelt temporary; in this cases the Master has the right to put another (non-metal) chastitydevice on the slave.
* On holidays, or at other moments when either slave or Master will stay abroad for a longer period, the slave has the right to have the chastitybelt unlocked for that special period.
* The slave is free to attend SM-parties or slavecamps in absence of his Master. Of course, this doesn't meant he have his full sexual rights returned and will get back the keys in that case himself - on the contrary! - , but they might be handed over by his Master to another Master, which will care after him and than in case of urgency can open the belt. The Master will take care of the fact that the keys are handed over to the temporary Master without the risk that they will get lost.
7. Duration of the contract
This contract will be valid for ........ weeks / months.
The slave never requests the cancellation of the contract except for the following cases.
* The relationship between Master and slave is cleared.
* Either the Master or the slave will execute ones obligation due to long-term illness or some other reasons.
* It becomes obvious that wearing the chastitybelt makes serious problems on the health of the slave.
Both of ........ as the slave and ........ as the Master agreed on all the above sentences with each own free will and each of the slave and the Master keeps a duplicated document signed by both.
The slave: signed ........ Date ........
The Master: signed ........ Date ........
Contract and Agreement for Servitude

Contract and Agreement for Servitude
Being an Honorable man and being of sound mind, body and spirit, I pledge myself to the service of my Master as stated in this Contract and Agreement.
I, _____________________________________________, the undersigned, a submissive slave, do hereby agree and pledge myself to the service of _____________________________________
Bondage Master, as his personal slave and property for the period of ______ years from this date forward.
I do this without reservations or stipulations, and without recourse or right of revocation.
I pledge to fulfill this contract to its completion date, and if my Master so wishes, I will continue
in his service after this contract for as long as he may desire to own me.
I further do agree and state that I hereby give total control and authority to my Master. He has
Power of Attorney over my personal belongings and myself. He may do with my personal
belongings and me, as is his pleasure. I know that he will take care of me and do only what is in
my best interest.
If at any time before the end of this contract, he is displeased with my performance of the
duties required of me, he may sell, trade or dispose of me to another Bondage Master for the
duration of this original contract.
This Contract and Agreement is an Honor Code between my Master and myself.
Breaking it before completion of service would be a dishonorable act and I would no longer be
worthy of his or anyone else's respect or trust.
I am an honorable person and a person of consequence and therefore would suffer greatly
emotionally if I did not fulfill my obligations and complete this contract.
I affix my signature willingly and without duress, or under any threat of harm to me.
__________________________________ slave Date: _________________
__________________________________ Master Date: _________________
__________________________________ Witness Date: _________________
__________________________________ Witness Date: _________________
Addendum to Contract
1. It is hereby agreed that all my monies will be deposited into a joint account and administered
by my Master.
2. My automobile will be in the name of my Master and myself.
3. All other finances or revenue will be administered by my Master (including but limited to;
stocks, bonds, investments, real estate, etc..)
4. My Master will be the beneficiary on all insurance polices on my life.
5. My Master will provide for my medical well being and health. I will advise him of all medical
conditions I currently have, including medications I am required to take any special
procedures I am to follow. I will furnish a complete medical history to my Master, including
hospital records, Doctor's records, X-rays, etc?.
6. I will furnish my Master with a list of family members, including address and phone number,
in case of an emergency or death.
7. I agree to allow my Master to have my body pierced, as he requires. All piercing to be done
by a qualified and professional practionier.
8. I agree to allow my Master to have me tattooed with the appropriate slave markings on my
right arm, and if he chooses to have other tattoos placed on my body at his discretion.
9. I agree at the completion of this contract, and if still permitted to be his slave, to be branded
on the right buttocks with his insignia showing total ownership.
10. I agree to obey my Master in all things. Never to challenge his authority over me nor his
decisions where I am concerned. I place 100% trust in his ability to take care of me and to
be responsible for my well being.

Full Name
Date of Birth
A Chastity Slave Contract

1. Definitions
Throughout this contract, the terms are used with the following
• User: The individual who will wear the chastity belt in accordance
to this contract
• Key-holder: The individual who will lock the chastity belt in
place and will hold the key in accordance to this contract.
• Chastity period: This is the time whilst the user is locked in the
chastity belt by his key-holder. It includes unlocks and re-locks
that do not result in the user having sexual relief, by means of
masturbation or orgasm
2. User's obligations
The User has the following obligations to submit all control and
ownership of penis / orgasm to the key holder until end of chastity
• The user will agree to an initial trail period of no less than 28
• The user will allow the key-holder to put the chastity belt on him
whenever he pleases.
• The belt will particularly be used to prevent unauthorized
masturbation during day or on business trips or attendance to KINK
fetish parties.
• Where the user attends SM meetings with other men he shall be
locked in the device before attendance and not unlocked until not
sooner than seven days after return.
• The user is prohibited to have any sexual intercourse without the
key-holder's permission.
• The user is prohibited to masturbate without the key-holder's
• Making efforts to remove the chastity belt by the user is
forbidden and will occur punishment.
• The user will allow the key-holder to use any number of toys in
his arse whenever he wants for as long as he wants, so as to tease
his prostate into a state of total arousal.
• It is the responsibility of the user to maintain the cleanliness
of the chastity belt.
• The user is never permitted to leave the key-holder's control
without the key-holder's special permission.
• The user will accept that having his prostate milked is sufficient
sexual relief for him during any chastity period. Having his
prostate milked is at the key-holder's discretion, it is not his
obligation to do so.
• The user may not ask the key-holder for the chastity belt to be
removed. Except for health or safety reasons.
• The user will allow the key-holder to masturbate him or have sex
with him whenever he wants. He will not have an orgasm without his
permission however. If he does, he will be subject to whatever
punishment the key-holder sees fit. This punishment may override the
key-holder's obligation to keeping chastity periods less then 3
• It is the user's obligation to let the key-holder know if he has
had sexual relief without his knowledge. For instance through
nocturnal relief or a self provided prostate milking.
• The user will be required to sexually satisfy the key holder
without user orgasm, this will include fucking duties, fellatio,
foot worship, rimming, providing urinal or other toilet duties for
key holder, massages etc.
• The user will be grateful and thank the key holder for keeping him
in chastity.
3. Key-holder's obligations
The Key-holder has the following obligations.
• The key will always be securely under the supervision of the key-
• The key-holder has the obligation to pay attention of the user's
health condition and arrange necessary suitable treatment, when any
disorders are identified on the user's body.
• The key-holder will remove the chastity belt at least once every 5
days to allow the user to be cleaned properly. This time will also
be used to check that there are no health issues in regards to
wearing it. Cleaning will involve users hands being fastened behind
back, and hood applied with blindfold before device is removed.
Hair may be removed to help keep the user clean
• The key-holder will not allow the chastity period to exceed 3
months without break.
• The key-holder will make the user aware of how long the expected
chastity period is to be, when locking the chastity belt. • If the
chastity period is increased it is the key-holder's obligation to
let the user know how long it has been increased by and why.
• It is up to the key-holder's discretion how long each chastity
period is to be. The key-holder may increase or stop any chastity
period as he sees fit.
• The key-holder can humiliate the user at any time by mentioning
that he is kept in chastity, the user must show device on request
4. Duration of the contract
This contract has no duration. It is valid from the date of signing
until it is cancelled for one of the reasons listed under:
'5. Cancellation of the contract'.
Cancellation of the contract This Contract can be open for
cancellation, by either the user or the key-holder, in the following
• The relationship between the user and the key-holder is nullified.
• If the user or the key-holder does not keep to there obligations.
• If it becomes obvious that wearing the chastity belt causes
serious problems to the health of the user.
• If it is agreed by both the user and the key-holder that this
contract is to be replaced by another.
• If it is thought by either the user or the key-holder that the use
of the chastity belt is detrimental to their relationship.
6. non-compliance
The following punishments arise for non-compliance of contract.
• Unauthorized stimulation (other than for purposes of fucking
key holder) of penis occurs 1 day extra penalty
• Unauthorized orgasm while fucking occurs 1 week extra penalty
• Unauthorized removal of device occurs 1 month penalty
• Request for device to be removed occurs 100 paddle lashes on
ass, a 50 on each nipple.
• Pleasure gained from milking occurs 50 paddle lashes on ass.
• Refusal to wear device occurs 100 lashes, and a month
without milking wear.
7. Torture and Torment
The key hold may wish to keep the user in a state of high sexual
arousal during the period but not allowing any relief. The following
scenarios may occur
• Nipple play or tit torture
• Poppers play whilst stimulation form key holder.
• Key holder masturbation of user, users hand fixed behind
back and blindfold so user can gain no personal satisfaction from
the act.
• User must watch or participate in the masturbation of key
• Milking periods will result in no orgasm unless permission
is granted before hand.
• Supervised Personal masturbation moments can occur for
exceptional behavior but not in the initial trail period these will
be timed an orgasm is only allowed in the first 300 seconds (five
minutes) before device is reapplied.
Both _ ____ as the user and __ ___ as the key-holder agreed to all
the above sentences on there own free will and each of the user and
key-holder keeps a duplicated document signed by both.
The user: signed_______________________ Date: ___________________
The key-holder: signed___________________
Date: ......_______________________
contract of slavery

slave: .................................................................................................................................................
born: ........................................................ in : .................................................................................
resident (adress) ....................................................................................................................................
I slave ........................................................................... hereafter referred to as "slave" of my own free will to Master XXXX, hereafter referred as "Master", agree to following rules and conditions irrevocable.
Article 1:
The slaves body becomes the master total property for 100 %. As such the slave has no right to protest any use the master makes of it. The slave relinquishes all claims, right, control and saying over life and body to it´s master and has no freedom left.
Article 2:
The slave will always be available for it masters use and pleasure and will learn all the way in which to please it´s master.
Article 3:
The slave will always serve and obey it´s masters commands fully and immediatly and without contradiction.
Article 4:
The slave shall adress the master as "Sir" or "Master" at all times.
Article 5:
The slave posses nothing. All the slave possessions are automatically it´s masters. The slave gives master all personal papers and the power over them. All earnings which the master achieves with or by using the slave (p.e. by escort business, renting out, by lease....) belong to the master to 100 %.
Article 6:
The slave will never lie to it´s master or apologize some mistakes by execuses.
Article 7:
The slave will offer his body and mind to master at any time the master desires to use it, wherever and whenever.
Article 8:
All the slaves personal habits (as eating, drinking, smoking, sleeping, sex, etc......) are governed completely by it´s master. Also if the master does not give special orders for everyday he has still the right to influence those habits and give matching orders.
Article 9:
The slave if the master does not tell different will always sit at his masters feet. This be valid wherever and independent of the place where master and slave are present.
Article 10:
The slave will always stand or kneel in presence of it master with his head bowed, unless his master tells differently.
Article 11:
The slave will always keep it´s body clean, neat and ready and care for good conditions.
Article 12:
The slave speakes only when spoken to or the master give his permission or to ask for informations. He will beginning and ending each sentence with "Sir". He will also speak only in the presence of third person if he get his masters permission.
Article 13:
If the slave will be outside of the home he must wear only clothes after the master permission - without exemption !
Article 14:
The slave is to use the masters space with utmost respect and shall always leave any area he uses in a state of order and cleanliness.
Article 15:
If the master does not tell differently the slave will sleep at the feet of masters bed or in a cage / cell.
Article 16:
Masters bodily fluids are to the slave holy and must be treated as such. If or when it´s master allowed the honor of receiving his bodily fluids, the slave will ensure that no drop is waisted. Orally or analy it remains where it belongs.
Article 17:
At all the times, slave will ensure that it´s asshole is absolutly clean, acceptable and clean for masters cock.
Article 18:
The slave will never touch his cock, balls, ass, tits without permission from the master.
Article 19:
The slave is to be punished of both the letter and the spirit of this contract. The slave will any kind of punishment accept - without limit. The slave will his punishment thankfully accept and look at it as a part of his training for a perfect slave.
Article 20:
The master may choose to ignore the slave from case to case or for long extended periods.
Article 21:
The slave shall display the following attitudes at all times :
a.) humility
b.) total submission
c.) absolute obedience
d.) willingness to suffer
e.) speed in carrying out orders and commands
f.) slavish loyalty and devotion for his master
g.) chastity
h.) servility
i.) love and respect for the master
j.) greatitude towards it´s master
k.) worship for it's master
l.) success in completely carrying out orders
Article 22:
The right to end this contract is only given to master and not to the slave. The master has the right to give away or to sell the slave any time.
Article 23:
The slave will not have any contact or relationship with other masters without expressive approve of his master. The master has the right to engage other slaves any time.
Article 24:
The master rules and controlls without limits all contacts of the slave with the outer world. This is valid without examptions. If the master commands to brake contact to several peopeles or finish for ever the slave is obliged to follow this command immediatly and without conditions.
Article 25:
The slave guarantees explicit that he will never leave his master or break the contract.
Article 26:
The master accepts the slave as his property. He will care for him, feed him, nurrish him, cloth him and train him. The master will provide for the slave social security so in case something unexpected happened to the master or the master undoes the contract premature the slave can leave independetly.
Article 27:
The master defends the slave against all attacks against him, what kind ever from third side.
Article 28:
In case of illness of the slave the master gives up partely or totally on his rights out of this contract for the time the slave is ill. But the slave must not forget the loyality and the resopect towards his master.
Article 29:
The master have the right to add articles to this contract if he think this is necessary. The slave forgoes explicitly on such a right.
By it´s signature below the slave acknowledge that it has read, understand and agrees to enter and abide by this contract.
------------------------------------ --------------------------------
City and date signature of the slave
------------------------------------- -------------------------------
city and date signature of Master Ingo
Dear SIRS and my slave brothers

In the quoted section below:
MASTER has total and complete control in every area. Except for the
limitations below in the medical condition, drug, tobacco, alcohol
and sex sections, if any, I agree to MASTER completely, willingly,
to the best of my ability, at all times and in every way. I hereby
totally submit to MASTER without limit and without reservation.
the term:
"I agree to MASTER completely, willingly,
to the best of my ability, at all times and in every way."
is misworded. the word "agree" neutralises the arrangement,
rendering the terms of the contract undefinable. As such it is
invalid even in the sense of a mutual unenforceable non-binding
covenenant between 2 people.
The fact of the matter is that it is virtually impossible to write a
master/slave contract that is legally binding.
Even a personal services contract is subject to fair employment
standards and there are legal limits to the activities that can be
contracted for.
Powers of Attorney offer another channel with which a slave can
surrrender some control over its life.
Some jurisdictions have trustee and guardian legislation that may be
utilised, but most involve the inclusion of the courts in the
striking of the original agreement, which may mitigate against
pursuing such writs
slave pwb501
--- In, "Robert"
> I do not think that there is any such contract that would be
> enforceable because courts would likely reject any such contract as
> against public policy.
> Also, it is a basic principal of contract law that each party
> consideration, something of value, from a contract, for such a
> contract to be valid. Most contracts involving slavery or
> that I have seen do not meet this test.
> However I have included in this message below a contract that I
> told has at least some elements that would make it binding though
> since I am not a lawyer I cannot myself offer any opinion as to
> whether this is the case.
> Voluntary Servitude Contract
> Introduction
> Binding Agreement
> I, the undersigned, bind myself totally and completely, without
> limit, to servitude to the holder(s) of this Contract, hereinafter
> known as MASTER. [The singular form of the word 'MASTER' is used
> throughout this contract, though this word may apply to one or more
> persons delineated below.] I acknowledge receipt of one dollar
> and other consideration that to me is sufficient compensation.
> I certify that I am at least 18 years old, am not now physically or
> mentally impaired by influence of any drugs, including alcohol, or
> other reason where I do not know what I am doing and am legally and
> mentally competent to contract in my own name. I am signing this
> document of my own free will, without coercion or pressure of any
> kind. No one has made any promises, guarantees, warranties, or
> offered threats or inducements of any kind to get me to sign this
> Contract.
> With full understanding of the meanings and implications of this
> Contract, I specifically desire and request the control delineated
> and the activities mentioned herein. I specially desire and
> Master to force me to comply if necessary, using any means at
> Master's disposal without limit.
> Interpretive Discussion
> I understand that the Sixteenth Amendment prohibits slavery and
> involuntary servitude. Nevertheless, for my own purposes, I desire
> to become and to be a DOG. I am signing this contract in an
> to effect that status. I specifically request the courts, the law
> and government not to interfere. I consider any attempt by an
> outside authority to in any way limit MASTER's rights and
> prerogatives under this Contract to be an unwarranted interference
> with my constitutional right to privacy. I am of legal age and I
> legally an adult who knows what he is doing. I specifically want
> this. In the strongest language I request the government not
> to "protect" me from the consequences of this decision.
> I give up any and all rights of any kind and description, except
> those specifically outlined in this document. I specifically waive
> any and all protection in law or equity, any constitutional rights
> or protections, and any other rule or regulation that would in any
> way prevent MASTER from having total control over every aspect of
> life.
> I desire to be placed in a position where I CANNOT change my mind.
> Recognizing that a government may not allow a totally irrevocable
> contract, no matter how much I want one, I agree to the following
> clause, which, while not making this Contract completely
> unbreakable, makes it extremely difficult to break.
> This Contract is irrevocable except as provided for in this
> paragraph only. First, it can be canceled at any time, without
> penalty, by mutual consent. If MASTER does not give consent,
> MASTER has the right to force performance in a court of law or
> equity or by the use of physical means as outlined above. Second,
> it may be unilaterally canceled by MASTER at any time, with our
> without reason.
> Areas of Control
> MASTER has total and complete control in every area. Except for
> limitations below in the medical condition, drug, tobacco, alcohol
> and sex sections, if any, I agree to MASTER completely, willingly,
> to the best of my ability, at all times and in every way. I hereby
> totally submit to MASTER without limit and without reservation. I
> specifically request and authorize MASTER to use force to compel my
> obedience, and I specifically request and authorize MASTER to
> anything I may say or do that might in any way be considered a
> refusal or retraction on my part. By way of illustrating MASTER's
> control, but not in any way to limit it, I delineate the following
> subset of MASTER's rights, privileges, prerogatives, and abilities:
> Geographical limits
> MASTER has the right to limit my movements: to decide where I
> work, play, etc. MASTER has the exclusive right to dictate my
> whereabouts at all times. MASTER has the right to exercise this
> prerogative by physically confining or binding me by any means
> MASTER desires, with no limitations on time or method. I
> that if restrained, the restraints are REAL and that I will NOT be
> able to get free until MASTER desires to release me, however long
> that takes.
> Dress
> MASTER has the exclusive right to dictate every aspect of my
> to decide what, if anything, I am to wear, when, and for how
> MASTER agrees not to subject me to arrest for indecent exposure,
> MASTER's judgment will govern in all circumstances. MASTER has the
> right to inspect me at any time, and in any situation.
> Grooming and Hygiene
> MASTER has the right to dictate every aspect of my grooming and
> hygiene.
> Hair. MASTER alone determines what amount of body hair I have and
> where, what hair style, from completely bald to as long as it can
> grown, I wear and so forth.
> Bathing and Washing. MASTER has the exclusive right to dictate my
> washing, whether by HE HIMSELF, or any designee, both me and my
> clothing. MASTER may dictate the timing, place, method, and length
> of my cleansing.
> Tattoos, Piercing, Body Art, Branding. MASTER has the exclusive
> right to dictate what, if any, body piercings, tattoos,
> scarifications, brandings, or other body art modifications I will
> receive. MASTER agrees to have these modifications made by
> professionals trained in the specific areas concerned.
> Eating and Sleeping. MASTER will provide me with sufficient
> periods to eat and to keep me in reasonable health. However,
> has the exclusive right to dictate the place, time, manner and
> conditions of my eating, sleeping and drinking. In addition,
> MASTER has the right to dictate what I eat or drink.
> Limitations
> The following are binding limitations on the otherwise
> nature of my service and MASTER's control over me. Except for the
> limits in this section, there are none. MASTER is in complete
> control and I hereby authorize and request MASTER to treat me as if
> I were His own body and to do anything painful, harmful, or helpful
> that he could legally do to himself.
> Medical Condition Limitation
> If I develop a medical condition, such as allergy or diabetes,
> dictates inclusion or exclusion of certain foods and drink,
> exercise regimens, scheduled medications, etc. MASTER agrees to
> abide by the limits of diet, exercise , etc., as required to live
> with the condition.
> Drug Limitation
> I agree, under the strictest of penalties, not to use drugs in any
> form whatsoever except for: a) over-the-counter medications
> administered or on orders of MASTER, b) performance-enhancing or
> state-altering drugs ordered by MASTER, and c) medicines prescribed
> by a doctor. MASTER agrees to allow me to take prescribed
> medications on schedule.
> Tobacco Limitation
> MASTER will not force me to use tobacco. MASTER does, however,
> the right to bring me into establishments that allow smoking, order
> me to serve Him or His friends tobacco products regardless of my
> preference regarding personal use.
> Alcohol Limitation
> MASTER will not force me to use alcohol to such an extent that my
> health or safety is endangered. He may bring me into
> that allow drinking or order me to serve Him or His friends drinks,
> or order me to consume alcohol in moderation, regardless of my
> preference regarding personal use. If I am to use alcohol, it
> be only under MASTER's direction as to time, place extent, type and
> method.
> Sex Limitation
> This is NOT a contract for sexual services. I shall NOT receive
> anything of value for engaging in sex.
> I understand I will engage in homosexual sex at MASTER's desire
> direction. I agree to do so fully, completely, willingly, and to
> the best of my ability. MASTER will tell me where, when, with
> and what sexual activities to undertake. MASTER may also forbid me
> to engage in sexual activities with any one other than Himself.
> Such activities may include fetish, sado-masochistic, multi-person,
> and other activities considered by some to be deviant. Except at
> MASTER's direction, I agree to refrain from all sexual activity
> every kind and description, including self-gratification.
> Work
> MASTER may order me to perform physical duties on His behalf and
> hire out my labor without compensation of any kind to me.
> I agree to serve diligently, completely, and to the very best of my
> ability at all times. All money received for any of my work shall
> be the property of MASTER. Unless employed by a company owned by
> MASTER, no employer-k-employee relationship exists between me and
> MASTER. MASTER is not responsible for worker's compensation,
> security (FICA) or other insurance's or taxes. I serve under this
> Contract for the compensation already received, which is not, and
> not to be construed as wages. That I am not an employee can be
> demonstrated by the IRS test that I cannot quit this Contract.
> MASTER agrees to use necessary funds from my work to pay any
> personal bills or obligations I may have had when signing this
> contract.
> Health and Fitness
> I agree at MASTER's direction to submit to every form of
> by health care professionals, fitness experts, or others MASTER
> deems desirable. I agree to submit to any treatment or course of
> regiment MASTER orders.
> Penalties
> MASTER may enforce His orders by physical, corporal punishment of
> various types. I understand that, as one method of discipline, I
> will be spanked (paddled, etc.) with hands or implements. I
> understand the spankings and whippings are REAL. They WILL hurt,
> MAY leave marks on my body, and MAY bruise. MASTER may enforce His
> orders by physical force: in short, by MAKING me to do what He
> wants done. MASTER may apply corporal punishment and/or force
> either for a lapse in my behavior , for a completely arbitrary
> reason, or for his enjoyment, amusement, and gratification.
> Hold Harmless
> I submit to this Contract and to treatment hereunder entirely of
> own free will and volition and for my own reasons. I enter into
> this Contract solely and entirely at my own risk. I, for myself,
> my heirs, my assigns, and all other parties of any description,
> hereby agree to hold harmless, and release from all liability of
> kind, MASTER and all other participants in these activities.
> Assignment of Property
> By signing this Contract, I transfer ownership and all rights to
> myself, all property, real, personal, tangible, and intangible,
> all copyrights, patents, etc. which I now have, will become
> to, or obtain by any other means during the course of this
> to MASTER. MASTER agrees to use any or all of such properties,
> copyrights, patents, etc. to pay off any obligations or bills I may
> have had upon entering this contract, and to use the remainder for
> expenses associated with my upkeep, such as food, medication,
> clothing, etc. Upon termination of this contract, MASTER agrees to
> return to me the unused portion of such property or moneys.
> Power of Attorney
> By my signature below, I grant MASTER unlimited Power of Attorney
> turn to His own use and advantage all property described above and
> to effect any legal transfers or paperwork of any kind and
> description; to give consent to medical and other treatment: to
> execute contracts of any sort in my name; to effect and to enforce
> all rights, privileges, and conditions of this Contract; and to do
> anything in my name which I could lawfully do without exception or
> limitation. MASTER may specifically do things under this Power of
> Attorney which may be perceived to be to His benefit. I desire
> MASTER be free to exercise this Power of Attorney without any
> conditions, bonds, oversight, restraint, or interference of any
> kind. Also, according to the State I will be living in, I will
> sign Power of Attorney in the form prescribed by law, and have it
> registered with the County Clerks Office registry of documents.
> This and other signed Power of Attorney lasts indefinitely from the
> date of my signing the Contract below.
> Model Release
> I hereby execute an unconditional, unlimited, irrevocable,
> assignable Model Release in favor of MASTER covering all pictures,
> films, video, audio, public performance, and recordings of me of
> kind, whether true to life or manipulated in any fashion, and all
> associated material, including promotional, either factual or
> fictional, used for any purposes whatsoever, including commercial.
> I waive all rights to inspect the products before or after use and
> waive my claims for embarrassment or mental distress specifically
> and all other claims of any sort generally.
> Other Provisions; Severability; Assignability
> This statement not withstanding, I specifically desire none, or at
> least the minimum amount of government interference in this
> contract. If any part of this Contract is held to be invalid, the
> remainder stands as written and the invalid part is changed as
> slightly as possible to give MASTER as much latitude and as many
> rights and privileges as possible. In a similar fashion, in any
> disagreement of Interpretation, MASTER's desires shall prevail.
> MASTER may assign this Contract to any other person or persons
> without my signed consent.
> I have read this Contract and have no questions. There are no
> provisions.
> Execution of Document
> date:
> slave:
> Printed name :
> Signed: Signature of Witnesses
> signed/dated
> signed/dated
> signed/dated

This Agreement is made by and between _________________________, and _________________________.
WHEREAS _________________________ and _________________________ desire to create an employment arrangement under the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement;
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing, and the following covenants and promises, and for other good and valuable consideration, _________________________ and _________________________ agree as follows:
1. Employment. _________________________ employs _________________________, who accepts such employment. _________________________ and _________________________ revoke, terminate and void any prior written or oral employment agreements.
2. Term.
2.1 This Agreement shall be for a period of _________________________ beginning on the date of this Agreement, unless terminated in accordance with some other provision of this Agreement.
2.2 The Agreement may be terminated by either Party upon six months written notice to the other.
3. Compensation.
3.1 For all services rendered under this Agreement by _________________________,_________________________ shall pay _________________________ a basic gross salary of dollars ($0) per year. Room, board and expenses will be provided by _________________________.
3.2 _________________________ may receive bonuses in addition to the compensation stated above when and as determined by _________________________.
3.3 Matt Caddy agrees to pay _________________________ his full basic salary during the term of this Agreement, so long as he is willing and able to perform his duties and obligations and has not defaulted under this Agreement.
4. Duties and Responsibilities.
4.1 _________________________ shall devote substantially all his business time and attention to the business of _________________________. The expenditure of reasonable time for personal or outside business, charitable and professional activities shall not constitute a breach of this Agreement if such activities do not materially interfere with _________________________'s performance of his duties and obligations, as solely determined by _________________________._________________________ agrees to place his duties to _________________________ above all other activities and will abandon or curtail outside activities if so directed by _________________________ if in his opinion there exists a conflict or other reasonable grounds for abandoning or curtailing such activities.
4.2 At _________________________'s own cost and expense, _________________________ must use his own automobile for professional and other business purposes. _________________________ shall be entitled to standard mileage allowance, the amount to be determined by reference to Internal Revenue Service Guidelines, for travel conducted on behalf of _________________________.
5. Authority and Powers of Matt Caddy.
5.1 _________________________ shall have the power to direct, control and supervise _________________________'s duties and the manner of and time for performing said duties.
5.2 Performance reviews will be scheduled two weeks after the first day of employment and every two weeks thereafter.
6. Working Facilities and Expenses.
6.1 _________________________ will furnish _________________________ with facilities and services suitable for the performance of _________________________'s duties and obligations under this Agreement.
6.2 In accordance with the established policies of _________________________, _________________________ may be reimbursed for reasonable expenses related to the performance of his duties including (but not limited to): automobile and transportation expenses; entertainment expenses; costs of maintaining facilities in his home; educational expenses incurred to maintain or improve his professional skills; expenses of membership in civic groups, clubs, professional societies and fraternal organizations; and all other items of reasonable and necessary professional expenses incurred by _________________________ in the performance of his duties as an employee.
7. Health and Insurance Plans: Fringe Benefits. _________________________ may be entitled to participate in any plans or agreements regarding retirement, health, disability, life insurance, and other related fringe benefits provided by _________________________, in accordance with the terms and conditions of each.
8. Vacations and Other Time Off.
8.1 _________________________ shall be entitled to an annual vacation of one (1) week(s), with full basic salary, and at times approved by _________________________.
8.2 _________________________ shall be entitled to further additional time (with full basic salary) for attendance at meetings, conventions, seminars and/or post-graduate courses reasonably related to the performance of his duties, as approved in advance by _________________________.
9. Miscellaneous.
9.1 This Agreement may only be amended by a written document signed by _________________________ and _________________________.
9.2 No provision of this Agreement shall be affected by the invalidity of any other provision.
9.3 This Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of Ohio.
_________________________________ ________________________
For _________________________ Date
_________________________________ ________________________
_________________________ Date
Institutional Confinement Consent Agreement

I, _______________________ (hereinafter "Patient") do hereby waive my rights and freedoms for the purpose of voluntary commission to The Institution to undergo a program of Bondage Therapy. The program period is to begin at ________ PM on ___________.
During the commitment period, the Patient will be incarcerated/restrained at all times using methods deemed appropriate by Institution staff. For no reason will the Patient be allowed out of restraint until the program period is over.
The Institution Staff may at their discretion perform medical experiments on the Patient, which may include the use of insertive anal devices or other manipulative tools, and genital stimulation. Further, in order to complete certain therapies, the Patient will may be required to have direct bodily contact with Institution Staff. In such circumstances strong safety precautions against possible infection will be observed.
At some times, Institution Staff may need to inflict painful stimulations on the Patient to achieve a desired therapeutic result.
Food will be provided to the Patient by the Institution Staff. The Patient has the right to refuse food, however the Patient may not select the variety of food to be served.
Institution Staff may at times authorize other persons not employed by the Institution to supervise the Patient. Such persons will not perform genital or painful stimulation without the prior consent of the Patient, however non-painful stimulation to other parts of the Patient may occur as directed by Institution Staff.
The Patient is expressly forbidden to achieve sexual climax (orgasm) without the permission of the Institution Staff, as the sensation of climax may seriously damage the effects of the therapy. Should the Patient violate this rule, following punishment will be applied.
If during the commitment period it is determined that extended treatment will provide beneficial results, the commitment period may be increased by four hour increments by mutual verbal declarations of consent between the Patient and Institution Staff.
The Patient must follow all orders of the Institution Staff. Patients who refuse to obey orders risk solitary confinement without positive stimulation or manipulation from Institution Staff.
At the end of the commitment period, Institution Staff will present a diagnosis to the Patient and a recommended date when the Patient should return for additional therapy.
I fully understand the terms of this agreement and hereby declare that I will, to the best of my ability, attempt to comply with my responsibilities as outlined herein. Failure to comply, in addition to the disciplinary measures specified, may result in being barred from attending future therapy sessions with the Institution.
_______________________ _______________________
Patient Staff Supervisor
Male Chastity Contract

This contract is a consensual agreement between two adults of sound mind and body, one submissive male (herein referred to as the “Caged Male”), and one dom/domme (herein referred to as the “Keyholder”), for the purpose of enforcing chastity on the male by the wearing of a male chastity device (in this specific contract, the device is the CB-2000, herein referred to as the “CB2000”). Both parties enter into this agreement freely and openly, and without coercion of any kind.
The Caged Male and the Keyholder both agree on the following propositions:
Biological and cultural evolution have burdened the human male with a powerful sexuality that manifests itself as an excessive and often obsessive libido.
The expression of this excessive and obsessive libido takes many forms, including frequent, often obsessive sexual fantasies, frequent or compulsive masturbation, frequent or compulsive intercourse with partners of either sex, perverse and kinky fetishes, sexual harassment and other forms of inappropriate sexual expression, and criminal sexual acts directed at innocent victims.
For the reasons listed above, male sexuality and the male libido cause much needless frustration, disappointment, anger, grief, and suffering for untold numbers of people, including the males themselves as well as females in their communities and societies.
It thus follows that to alleviate these undesirable effects, male sexuality needs to be controlled more ruthlessly and effectively than it currently is, and the male libido needs to be vigorously suppressed. Such control and suppression will inevitably lead to healthier, happier, and saner males and females in our communities and in society at large.
It must be emphasized, however, that this control and suppression is not meant to lead to the complete and utter renunciation of male sexuality, nor is it meant to result in the permanent cessation of male sexual activity. The goal is for the outside control and management of male sexuality, coupled with strict limitations on male sexual expression and activity, with the intent of maintaining male health and sanity but simultaneously channeling male sexual expression and activity in more appropriate, beneficial, healthy, and productive ways.
Historically, many ways have been tried to control and suppress male sexuality and sexual activity, including surgical castration, chemical castration, cultural prohibitions and social taboos, counseling, electro-shock therapy, and more. Some of these methods are unacceptable on humanitarian, ethical, or medical grounds, while some have demonstrated little or no efficacy. Currently, there is only one acceptable way to effectively control and suppress male sexuality and sexual activity: the wearing by the male of a well-designed, comfortable, hygienic, inescapable, and effective male chastity device (of which the CB2000 is one of the finer models available). To be effective, such a device must control and suppress penile erections, and prevent the male from masturbating, having sexual intercourse, attaining orgasm, and ejaculating, all without causing temporary or permanent physical harm to the male genitalia.
Having agreed on the preceding propositions, the Caged Male and the Keyholder hereby enter into this binding Male Chastity Contract, and agree to all of the provisions herein, as listed below:
The contract will enter into force immediately on the date signed by both parties, and will remain in effect for one (1) calendar year after the date signed, at which time it will expire.
At the expiration of this contract, and upon the mutual consent of both parties, the contract may be renewed for another one (1) calendar year period. The contract may be renewed in such a fashion indefinitely, or until one or both of the parties break the contract, thus rendering it null and void, or decide not to renew the contract.
Upon signing of the contract by both parties, the Keyholder will observe the Caged Male locking himself into the CB2000, or will assist the Caged Male in the placing and securing of the device. Once the device has been secured and locked, and it has been determined that the Caged Male is not suffering any undue discomfort, pain, or worrisome physical impairments (e.g. pinching, chafing, or dangerously impeded blood flow), the Caged Male will transfer all keys to the device’s locking mechanism to the custody of the Keyholder. Beginning at this point, and at all times that the Caged Male is actively confined to the CB2000, the Keyholder will assume sole and exclusive ownership and control of the Caged Male’s genitalia, with all of the rights and responsibilities this entails.
Once the Caged Male’s period of confinement in the CB2000 has begun, he shall remain confined 24 hours a day, every day, with specific exceptions as described below.
The Caged Male will be provided with a maximum of three (3) “free days” per calendar month, of which he will be required to use two (2). A free day is defined as one 24-hour period during which he will not be confined to the CB2000. In the interests of preserving the Caged Male’s overall sexual health and proper physiological functioning, the Keyholder will encourage the Caged Male to enjoy unregulated sexual activity on free days, to include at minimum masturbating to orgasm at least once. The Keyholder may desire to visually verify the Caged Male’s unimpaired sexual health by requiring, at his/her discretion, the Caged Male to masturbate to orgasm in his/her presence. If the Keyholder makes such a request, the Caged Male is obliged to comply. As a further means of humbling and controlling the Caged Male, the Keyholder will require him to ingest any semen ejaculated in his/her presence.
Two (2) of the three (3) free days allowed per calendar month are “fixed.” By this is meant they must be scheduled at least one month in advance by the Caged Male in consultation with the Keyholder. Once scheduled, a fixed free day may be changed at the request of the Caged Male, but only due to unusual or unforeseen circumstances, and only at the discretion of the Keyholder. The Keyholder may refuse a request to change a fixed free day, but only if the request is fickle, capricious, inconsiderate, or lacks substance.
One (1) of the three (3) free days allowed per calendar month is “floating.” By this is meant that it can be taken at any time, on a whim, at the Caged Male’s request, with only 48 hours advance notice to the Keyholder. However, as a practical consideration, the Caged Male agrees to provide at least one week’s advance notice to the Keyholder for use of a floating free day, except in unusual or unforeseen circumstances. The Keyholder agrees to make all reasonable efforts to accommodate a floating free day request.
While unconfined on free days, the Caged Male is solely responsible for cleaning and grooming his genitalia, cleaning and maintaining the CB2000, and storing the device and all keys to its locking mechanism.
While the Caged Male is confined to the CB2000, the Keyholder is responsible for adequately, safely, and securely storing the keys to the device’s locking mechanism. Three (3) keys to the CB2000 will be provided to the Keyholder by the Caged Male every time he is locked into the device. The Keyholder agrees to carry one (1) of the keys on his/her person at all times, and to store the other two (2) keys in a secure location. This will prevent the accidental loss of all three (3) keys simultaneously.
While the Caged Male is confined to the CB2000, the Keyholder agrees to make all reasonable efforts to be accessible to the Caged Male, and easily reached via phone or email. She further agrees to respond as soon as is reasonably possible to any phone or email message from the Caged Male, if a response is requested or required, provided the message is pertinent, valid, and important, and provided the Caged Male is not abusing his contact privileges.
The Caged Male may request additional days free of the CB2000 in a given calendar month, above and beyond the three (3) free days contractually provided, but only for a specific, valid, highly unusual reason, and only at the discretion of the Keyholder. If the Keyholder refuses any reasonable such request, she must provide the Caged Male with a specific reason for refusing. If the Caged Male abuses this provision by making two “exceptional” requests in adjoining months, he will relinquish his right to make any such requests for the following three (3) calendar months.
Emergency Unlocking: The Keyholder agrees to unlock the Caged Male and remove the CB2000 in all due haste for emergency reasons. Emergency reasons are defined as circumstances in which the Caged Male experiences serious illness, injury, or impaired physiological functioning, either of the whole body, or more specifically of the penis, testicles, scrotum, or general groin area, and independent of whether or not the Caged Male seeks professional medical care or advice. The Caged Male will resume wearing the CB2000 once both he and the Keyholder are satisfied that he has satisfactorily recovered from the emergency condition.
In the event of the Caged Male needing to travel and pass through security checkpoints that may include metal detectors, the Keyholder agrees to temporarily replace the brass lock on the CB2000 with one of the plastic locks provided by the manufacturer. The CB2000 will be immediately relocked using the brass lock once the Caged Male returns from his travels.
The Caged Male will make a monthly lump sum cash payment to the Keyholder in the amount of $_______.00 for the duration of the contract.
Any egregious, sustained violation of the provisions of this contract by either of the contracted parties will render the contract in its entirety immediately null and void.
By affixing their signatures below, the parties to this contract accept and agree to be bound by all of the provisions and stipulations contained therein, and also accept and agree that said provisions are non-negotiable.
Caged Male Name (Print)
Caged Male Signature Date
Keyholder Name (Print)
Keyholder Signature Date
This is a contract I will propose to my MASTER.

–I will always come when summoned by my MASTER, unless there is serious and honest inability to comply because of a conflicting professional obligation. I am to reverence my MASTER with the utmost reverence, subservience, humility and absolute obedience. I am his possession totally under his control, and I must never forget this.
–I understand that MASTER may or may not summon me, whenever he wishes, and he is under no obligation to have a session with me at any set interval. It would be appreciated, however, if MASTER gave helpful notice when a session was due, to facilitate scheduling. Further, it would be appreciated if in prolonged periods without a session, MASTER would maintain some contact with me. I shall do my best to be available to MASTER for a session a suitable length of time, if at all possible. Although he may wish to dismiss me early in the session, I shall try to be available for at least a few hours in case he should wish it.
–If MASTER wishes, I will report regularly email at intervals he orders.
–When I am with my MASTER for a session, he may assign to me up to an hour’s worth of domestic duties after I strip but before the session proper begins. I am to do these duties naked, unless it calls for going outside in the public. He may, of course, abuse my body in any way he wishes while I am doing the domestic duties.
–Unless MASTER tell me otherwise, I shall always appear wearing a jockstrap under my exterior clothing. When I arrive, I will avoid eye-contact with MASTER, and look down humbly. I will strip to my jockstrap and await orders. When so indicated, I will remove my MASTER’s shoes and kiss his feet.
–I hereby understand that with the exceptions of safety noted below, my entire body is totally and without exception the possession of my MASTER, and he may do with it whatever he wishes, including elements of strong pain and humiliation. Specifically:
–I shall make my testicles readily accessible to my MASTER, and he is free to do with them whatever he wishes, including inflicting severe pain on them. He may do this by hitting, punching, stretching, yanking, compressing, or doing anything other action he may please. If necessary, I will hold my cock out of the way to that it does not interfere with what MASTER intends to do with my testicles. If MASTER wishes to work on my testicles from the back, I shall bend over and keep in any position that he orders. MASTER may choose to use various instruments on my testicles, and I shall always bring a collection of items for him to choose from, including stretchers, weights, spreaders and weight supporters.
–MASTER may do with my cock whatever he pleases, barring the creation of blood blisters or damage to the urethra or any rupture, etc.
–My asshole may be used by my MASTER in any way he deems suitable, including the insertion of objects or fingers, so long as it is safe. If MASTER wishes to ritually humiliate me to remind me of my status, I shall submit with a realization of my lowliness and slave status and not complain. –The rest of my body is totally available to my MASTER, so long as any action is safe.
–In general, the only real limits are doing something that is not safe in terms of health, that does damage beyond pain, or that leaves marks or body alterations that would interfere with my professional life, including being naked in the gym with my peers.
–I understand that my MASTER may punish me for any reason he wishes, and it is not for me to ask why.
–I understand that my MASTER has control over any and every aspect of my sexuality even apart from sessions. Specifically I understand that this may involve certain assignments. Further, it is my understanding that I am never again to ejaculate, and that this is a permanent state of chastity.
–I understand and freely agree that if my MASTER wishes to share my body with another or have someone of his choosing work on me, I may not object or resist.
–Indeed, I am never to complain about ANYTHING that MASTER chooses to do to me, no matter how painful, but am always to thank him with respect and gratitude.
–I agree to service my MASTER’s body and give him pleasure in any safe way that he wishes. Specifically, I will reverence and use my hands, mouth, tongue or any other part of my body to perform whatever MASTER specifies on his cock, balls, asshole, torso, buttocks, or any other part of his body. This is to be done with the utmost reverence and obedience.
Voluntary Servitude Contract

Binding Agreement
I, the undersigned, bind myself totally and completely, without limit, to
servitude to the holder(s) of this Contract, hereinafter known as MASTER. [The
singular form of the word 'MASTER' is used throughout this contract, though
this word may apply to one or more persons delineated below.] I acknowledge
receipt of one dollar ($1) and other consideration that to me is sufficient
I certify that I am at least 18 years old, am not now physically or mentally
impaired by influence of any drugs, including alcohol, or other reason where I
do not know what I am doing and am legally and mentally competent to contract
in my own name. I am signing this document of my own free will, without
coercion or pressure of any kind. No one has made any promises, guarantees,
warranties, or offered threats or inducements of any kind to get me to sign
this Contract.
With full understanding of the meanings and implications of this Contract, I
specifically desire and request the control delineated and the activities
mentioned herein. I specially desire and request Master to force me to comply
if necessary, using any means at Master's disposal without limit.
Interpretive Discussion
I understand that the Sixteenth Amendment prohibits slavery and involuntary
servitude. Nevertheless, for my own purposes, I desire to become and to be a
slave. I am signing this contract in an attempt to effect that status. I
specifically request the courts, the law and government not to interfere. I
consider any attempt by an outside authority to in any way limit MASTER's
rights and prerogatives under this Contract to be an unwarranted interference
with my constitutional right to privacy. I am of legal age and I am legally an
adult who knows what he is doing. I specifically want this. In the strongest
language I request the government not to "protect" me from the consequences of
this decision.
I give up any and all rights of any kind and description, except those
specifically outlined in this document. I specifically waive any and all
protection in law or equity, any constitutional rights or protections, and any
other rule or regulation that would in any way prevent MASTER from having total
control over every aspect of my life.
I desire to be placed in a position where I CANNOT change my mind. Recognizing
that a government may not allow a totally irrevocable contract, no matter how
much I want one, I agree to the following clause, which, while not making this
Contract completely unbreakable, makes it extremely difficult to break.
This Contract is irrevocable except as provided for in this paragraph only.
First, it can be canceled at any time, without penalty, by mutual consent. If
MASTER does not give consent, MASTER has the right to force performance in a
court of law or equity or by the use of physical means as outlined above.
Second, it may be unilaterally canceled by MASTER at any time, with our without
Areas of Control
MASTER has total and complete control in every area. Except for the
limitations below in the medical condition, drug, tobacco, alcohol and sex
sections, if any, I agree to MASTER completely, willingly, to the best of my
ability, at all times and in every way. I hereby totally submit to MASTER
without limit and without reservation. I specifically request and authorize
MASTER to use force to compel my obedience, and I specifically request and
authorize MASTER to ignore anything I may say or do that might in any way be
considered a refusal or retraction on my part. By way of illustrating MASTER's
control, but not in any way to limit it, I delineate the following subset of
MASTER's rights, privileges, prerogatives, and abilities:
Geographical limits
MASTER has the right to limit my movements: to decide where I live, work,
play, etc. MASTER has the exclusive right to dictate my whereabouts at all
times. MASTER has the right to exercise this prerogative by physically
confining or binding me by any means MASTER desires, or by physically forcing
me to move from any place to any other place that MASTER may deem appropriate.
with no limitations on time or method. I understand that if restrained, the
restraints are REAL and that I will NOT be able to get free until MASTER
desires to release me, however long that takes.
I understand that MASTER may choose to confine me for long periods in a cell
or cage or in some other way. MASTER agrees to allow me to have breaks from
this confinement from time to time for medical or exercise reasons but when
and if such breaks occur is exclusively the choice of MASTER. MASTER may
choose to encase my head for long periods or indefinitely in a mask or helmet
which may or may not allow me to see, hear or speak. MASTER agrees that this
helmet will be removed from time to time for medical inspections and other
reasons for which removal may be necessary but these are exclusively the
choice of MASTER and slave has no right to have helmet removed except when
approved by MASTER.
MASTER has the exclusive right to dictate every aspect of my dress: to decide
what, if anything, I am to wear, when, and for how long. MASTER agrees not to
subject me to arrest for indecent exposure, but MASTER's judgment will govern
in all circumstances. MASTER has the right to inspect me at any time, and in
any situation.
Grooming and Hygiene
MASTER has the right to dictate every aspect of my grooming and hygiene.
Hair. MASTER alone determines what amount of body hair I have and where, what
hair style, from completely bald to as long as it can be grown, I wear and so
Bathing and Washing. MASTER has the exclusive right to dictate my washing,
whether by HE HIMSELF, or any designee, both me and my clothing. MASTER may
dictate the timing, place, method, and length of my cleansing.
Tattoos, Piercing, Body Art, Branding. MASTER has the exclusive right to
dictate what, if any, body piercings, tattoos, scarifications, brandings, or
other body art modifications I will receive. MASTER agrees to have these
modifications made by professionals trained in the specific areas concerned.
Eating and Sleeping. MASTER will provide me with sufficient periods to eat
and to keep me in reasonable health. However, MASTER has the exclusive right
to dictate the place, time, manner and conditions of my eating, sleeping and
drinking. In addition, MASTER has the right to dictate what I eat or drink.
The following are binding limitations on the otherwise unconditional nature of
my service and MASTER's control over me. Except for the limits in this
section, there are none. MASTER is in complete control and I hereby authorize
and request MASTER to treat me as if I were His own body and to do anything
painful, harmful, or helpful that he could legally do to himself.
Medical Condition Limitation
If I develop a medical condition, such as allergy or diabetes, that dictates
inclusion or exclusion of certain foods and drink, specific exercise regimens,
scheduled medications, etc. MASTER agrees to abide by the limits of diet,
exercise , etc., as required to live with the condition.
Drug Limitation
I agree, under the strictest of penalties, not to use drugs in any form
whatsoever except for: a) over-the-counter medications administered or on
orders of MASTER, b) performance-enhancing or state-altering drugs ordered by
MASTER, and c) medicines prescribed by a doctor. MASTER agrees to allow me to
take prescribed medications on schedule.
Alcohol Limitation
MASTER will not force me to use alcohol to such an extent that my health or
safety is endangered. He may bring me into establishments that allow drinking
or order me to serve Him or His friends drinks, or order me to consume alcohol
in moderation, regardless of my preference regarding personal use. If I am to
use alcohol, it will be only under MASTER's direction as to time, place
extent, type and method.
Sex Limitation
This is NOT a contract for sexual services. I shall NOT receive anything of
value for engaging in sex.
I understand I will engage in homosexual sex at MASTER's desire and
direction. I agree to do so fully, completely, willingly, and to the best of
my ability. MASTER will tell me where, when, with whom, and what sexual
activities to undertake. MASTER may also forbid me to engage in sexual
activities with any one other than Himself. Such activities may include
fetish, sado-masochistic, multi-person, and other activities considered by some
to be deviant. Except at MASTER's direction, I agree to refrain from all
sexual activity of every kind and description, including self-gratification. I
understand that MASTER may choose to deny me orgasm for long periods or
indefinitely and I accept that I have no right to an orgasm at any time. If
Orgasms are allowed they are a gift from MASTER and I will always be very
greatful to receive them.
MASTER may order me to perform physical duties on His behalf and may hire out
my labor without compensation of any kind to me.
I agree to serve diligently, completely, and to the very best of my ability at
all times. All money received for any of my work shall be the property of
MASTER. Unless employed by a company owned by MASTER, no employer-k-employee
relationship exists between me and MASTER. MASTER is not responsible for
worker's compensation, social security (FICA) or other insurance's or taxes. I
serve under this Contract for the compensation already received, which is not,
and is not to be construed as wages. That I am not an employee can be
demonstrated by the IRS test that I cannot quit this Contract.
MASTER agrees to use necessary funds from my work to pay any personal bills or
obligations I may have had when signing this contract.
Health and Fitness
I agree at MASTER's direction to submit to every form of examination by health
care professionals, fitness experts, or others MASTER deems desirable. I agree
to submit to any treatment or course of regiment MASTER orders. I agree to
diligently pursue any regimen of exercise or fitness MASTER may assign to me to
the best of my ability and I understand that MASTER may set goals for this
regimen and discipline me if they are not met.
MASTER may enforce His orders by physical, corporal punishment of various
types. I understand that, as one method of discipline, I will be spanked
(paddled, etc.) with hands or implements. I understand the spankings and
whippings are REAL. They WILL hurt, MAY leave marks on my body, and MAY
bruise. MASTER may enforce His orders by physical force: in short, by MAKING
me to do what He wants done. MASTER may apply corporal punishment and/or force
either for a lapse in my behavior , for a completely arbitrary reason, or for
his enjoyment, amusement, and gratification.
Hold Harmless
I submit to this Contract and to treatment hereunder entirely of my own free
will and volition and for my own reasons. I enter into this Contract solely
and entirely at my own risk. I, for myself, my heirs, my assigns, and all
other parties of any description, hereby agree to hold harmless, and release
from all liability of any kind, MASTER and all other participants in these
Power of Attorney
By my signature below, I grant MASTER unlimited Power of Attorney to turn to
His own use and advantage all property described above and to effect any legal
transfers or paperwork of any kind and description; to give consent to medical
and other treatment: to execute contracts of any sort in my name; to effect
and to enforce all rights, privileges, and conditions of this Contract; and to
do anything in my name which I could lawfully do without exception or
limitation. MASTER may specifically do things under this Power of Attorney
which may be perceived to be to His benefit. I desire that MASTER be free to
exercise this Power of Attorney without any conditions, bonds, oversight,
restraint, or interference of any kind. Also, according to the State I will
be living in, I will sign Power of Attorney in the form prescribed by law, and
have it registered with the County Clerks Office registry of documents.
This and other signed Power of Attorney lasts indefinitely from the date of my
signing the Contract below.
Model Release
I hereby execute an unconditional, unlimited, irrevocable, assignable Model
Release in favor of MASTER covering all pictures, films, video, audio, public
performance, and recordings of me of any kind, whether true to life or
manipulated in any fashion, and all associated material, including promotional,
either factual or fictional, used for any purposes whatsoever, including
commercial. I waive all rights to inspect the products before or after use and
waive my claims for embarrassment or mental distress specifically and all
other claims of any sort generally.
Other Provisions; Severability; Assignability
This statement not withstanding, I specifically desire none, or at least the
minimum amount of government interference in this contract. If any part of
this Contract is held to be invalid, the remainder stands as written and the
invalid part is changed as slightly as possible to give MASTER as much latitude
and as many rights and privileges as possible. In a similar fashion, in any
disagreement of Interpretation, MASTER's desires shall prevail.
MASTER may assign this Contract to any other person or persons without my
signed consent.
This contract shall become effective upon signature of MASTER and slave.
Slave shall provide complete accurate information on himself in those areas of
this contract below the signatures and he shall do this as his first act of
obediance upon signing this document.
The computer printed signatures below are taken as legal bond signatures.
I have read this Contract and have no questions. There are no other provisions.
Execution of Document
Master: ________________________________________________________________
slave: ________________________________________________________________
signed/dated ____________________________________________________________
slave full legal name:
slave Date of Birth: ____________________________________________________
slave Social security Number ____________________________________________
address of slave current residence:______________________________________
Slave home telephone number:_____________________________________________
Slave cell phone number: ________________________________________________
Slave email address: ____________________________________________________
make /model/ licence number of slaves vehicle:
Slave workplace address:_________________________________________________
workplace parkade address:_______________________________________________
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